His Name Is...

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I woke up with an extreme headache. Probably because the pen is stuck to my face. I huffed and ripped it off, immediately regretting all of my choices up till now. I let out a muffled screech from the new burning sensation on my cheek.

"Uuugh..." I heard a groan come from behind me. I froze and turned slowly. I felt my heart stop and my lungs turn to lead when I saw the outline of a figure in my bed. I panicked. Should I call for help? Should I grab something to defend myself?... Should I be that stupid person in the horror film that actually checks what's under the covers? I obviously went with the last two options. I grabbed a heavy textbook off the ground and began creeping over to my bed. I slowly reached for the covers, grasped the covers, and quickly yanked it off. There I saw a man, He was scruffy looking and was wearing a long brown coat. His clothes were old looking...almost colonial like the men in the pictures of the men in the textbooks. I was at a lost for words, so when I opened my mouth all that came out was a...

"aaaAAAAHHHHHHH." Scream. I screamed.

"AAAHHHH." Oh look he joined in too. The man was startled by my scream and had begun screaming too. Not knowing what to do I threw my textbook at him. I hit him square in the chest and he let out a pained yelp. I didn't stop. I grabbed books off the floor and desk and kept throwing. He was trying to dodge the books and scramble out of the bed but my throwing skills were just on point right now.

"Hold up, please just—now—wait just- STOP!" He yelled. It made me pause mid throw so I kept the book close to me just in case it needs to become ammo again. "Please miss do you know where I am?"


"Miss?" he questioned again because of my silence. I scanned over him to see if he was serious. Deeming him experimentally trustworthy I gave in.

"My house. You are in my house. How did you get into my house."

"I-I'm honestly not quite sure ma'am." He admitted. "The last thing I remember was that I had challenged Burr to a duel and I died..." He seemed to trail off as he thought about his situation. I, on the other hand, was puzzled. Died? Duel? What? I looked down trying to think too. That when I came to a startling realization. This guy looks just like the picture on the front cover of my current ammunition- I mean book! I looked between him and the book in disbelief.

"H-H-Hamilton...?" I stuttered out accidentally. He looked up at me in surprise.

"Yes-Do you know me?" He asked. I dropped the book and felt faint. No, way this is a dream, no this is a crappy story about time travel. I was prepared to believe anything other than what happening right now. But how do I know this is real?


Yep, no denying it, this is true reality.


After I calmed myself down I took Alexander to the living room and made him sit down.

"Want any coffee?":

"Um, yes that would be...that would be nice."

"K, just wait here a minute." As I went into the kitchen to make the beverages I began asking him questions to make sure we were caught up to speed. "Okay, let's take this from the top. Your name is?"

"Alexander Hamilton."

"My name is?"


"You are more recently from?"

" New York"

"We are currently in?"

"Alabama?" He sounded confused. We'll have to go over states later.

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