A New Addition

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Hey guys! posting this chapter because I really wanted to get it out of the way. Next chapter will be out soon.


I woke up the next morning seeing I had two voicemails.

The first one was from Ms. Davinci, one of my bosses. Ms. Davinci runs a graphic design company. I work as a artist and editor. She said that the building was going to be closed for maintenance for the next few weeks so I'll work on commissions from home. Which is fine by me.

The second one was from Lost and Found. It was from Jasmine. I decided to call back.

'You have reached the Lost and Found Nursery. This is Jasmine speaking how may I help you.' Jasmine greeted through the phone.

"Jasmine, it's me (y/n), you called me earlier. Is there something wrong?"

'Oh! I called earlier because Hailey seems to be really stressed out for some odd reason. We can't quite place why she is upset. We would rather you come in because you are the most attached to the dear.'

"Is she getting sick again?" I say with growing worthy. Hailey is quite prone to getting sick.

'No, I don't think she is ill. We just wanted to see if she is crying because she misses you.' Jasmine assures. 'Come on down when you can. Okay?'

I agreed, we said our goodbyes, and I hung up. I took a breathe and decided to get ready for the day. When I got dressed, I ultimately determined that I was going to check on Hailey first. Should I pack a overnight bag. Yes? No? No....I'm packing one anyway. I am no stranger to spending sleepless nights at the orphanage because Hailey wasn't feeling well.

"Good morning (y/n)—is there something wrong?" Burr asked startled. I was honestly still a bit panicked from the call, but it was nothing for concern.

"No, nothings wrong I just called in for something a bit worrying, but I am perfectly fine." I tell Burr.

"(Y/n), you're shaking." He states bluntly.

I am? I am.

"I don't think you should drive while you are this panicked." Burr says with concern.

"But I have got to go now!" I say impatiently.

"Let us go with you. Maybe if you can spare a few minutes, we can get you calmed down."

"I don't think I have that kind of time." Translation: y'all are so freaking slow.

"Well, how about I come with you." He suggests.

"And me too!" A voice calls startles Burr and I. We turn to see Hercules walking into the living through the kitchen. I realize how much time has passed since the conversation started and decided that I wanted to get out of the how now.

"Fine. Come on." I relent. The three of us get into the car and head to Lost and Found.

🌈🐤🍼 (Time Skip)🍼🐤🌈

"What is this place?" Hercules asks as we get out of the car.

"One of my work places." I give a brief answer.

We enter the building and we are greeted by Sam. "Hey, (y/n)!...Who are they?" I was going to introduce them, but they decided on their own introductions

"My name is Aaron Burr, ma'am." He says shaking her hand politely.

"Hercules Mulligan." Herc says simply.

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