What you were doing (part 2)

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A short chapter with 🥁*drum roll*🥁...PLOT!

We were going to have to get the ball rolling again at some point.


I gave Alexander an empty notebook and a pen from my backpack and hurried out the door. The drive to school went smoothly and I managed to get to school on time. On Time!

Now, what is the reason for such a rarity? Well, with the addition of Washington's interview, I have officially written 216/300 short essays. Ha-ha! I am almost done just 84 to go. Today I will turn in what I have to Mr.Darwin and I will be a couple steps closer to passing! Everything is going so right!

I see Mr. Darwin after class and hand him the backpack full of papers. "Good work (L/N). You're only a couple of essays away. I knew there was a reason the English department speaks so highly of you." Mr. Darwin says as he takes the essays.

"Thanks, sir!" I say. I am feeling too good right now.

"Well keep up the good work. I'll keep to the agreement. You turn in all 300 and I'll give you an A in this class for the rest of the year." He says. "Have a good afternoon, Ms.(l/n)."

"You too, Mr. Darwin," I say in response as I walk out the door. I walk down the hallway and began to ponder. With one problem almost cleared, it is now time to look back at an ever-present one. How did the guys get to the future and how do I send them back. There has to be some type of pattern. They all appeared over the course of a month and in almost succession.

Let's review:

Alexander appeared the morning after I started my assignment.

Burr appeared that night.

The night after John, Laff, and Herc appeared.

Jefferson and Madison appeared the next day.

Lastly, Washington appeared two days ago.

Maybe it's a day by day thing. Will anyone else appear today? So if I am correct another person should appear in my room-. No, wait. Washington appeared in the library. So they appear wherever I go? No, because I wasn't even at my house when Jefferson and James appeared. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice where I was going. I was snapped back into reality when I bumped into someone. We had both fallen to the floor and I ended up on top of him.

"I am so sorry!" I say scrambling to get off of him.

"It's no problem. Ms..." He starts as he helps me up.


"Oh! I was actually looking for you." He says. I give him a perplexed look as he pulls out a paper from his bag. "I understand that you have a tutoring service." He shows me one of the flyers I had posted a couple of months ago. "Is that still going on?"

"Oh, um, yes. I am still offering to tutor for math, most sciences, and a couple of other subjects. What do you want me to help you with?"

"Um, I am taking a quantum physics course. With Mr.Stein." He explains. "I am a bit behind in Statistical Physics, Electromagnetism, and a little bit of Quantum Physics and Mechanics. Do you think you can help? What's your fee?"

I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that I wasn't quite sure. Normally I'd charge $10 per hour, but that's just because subjects like chemistry, trigonometry, and other subjects like that can be taught in about three hours. Five if they are really struggling. Quantum mechanics or quantum anything really would take a bit longer to get someone to master it if they legitimately don't understand...

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