Study Session Shenanigans

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Just a quick chapter and A/N! I didn't want to just give you an author's note so here a chapter too! Please read the A/N at the end.


💙 🐢💙 (John's POV) 💙 🐢💙

(Y/n) froze when the doorbell rang. Why would the doorbell be ringing...she must of ordered pizza!

"I'll get it!" I say and go to open the door. When I open the door I see a brown hair guy who was a inch shorter than me. I was right! He was holding a pizza box.

"Oh! Um, is (Y/n) here-" He begins, but I cut him off knowing what he was probably going to say.

"Yep, this (Y/n) (L/n) house. How much do we owe you?" I say and take out some cash. I had some money left over from when (Y/n) took us to Walmat...I mean Walmart!

"Oh, I mean it's already paid for-"

"Really?! Awesome!" I say and take the pizza from him. "Thanks!" I close the door and ran back to the living room with the pizza. "Guys, we got free pizza!"

(Y/n) rushes past me, looking a bit frantic. I look back to everyone else and they seem just as confused as I am.

What was that about?

(Y/n) comes back inside with the pizza boy in tow. She says, "Issac, I am so sorry! I forgot to tell them we were having guest over and I was a bit occupied with a situation as I got to the house and—"

"It's fine, It's fine! There's no problem. I didn't really explain myself well." The boys says. Issac turns to me and reaches a hand out. I reach my hand out and shake his hand. "The name's Issac Laboy."

"John Laurens." I say back to him.

"(Y/n), why did you invite the pizza man in?" Hercules asked.

"I am not a pizza man." Issac says looking toward Hercules.

"Well then why are you here?" Alex asks, walking up next to me. All eyes are on (Y/n) and Issac.

"She's my tutor. I need help with my physics class and she's doing pretty well so..." Issac explains looking around the room, avoiding eye contact. Something about his behavior told me that physics wasn't all he was here for.

🖋 📓 🕐 (Alexander's POV) 🕐 📓 🖋

"She's my tutor. I need help with my physics class and she's doing pretty well so..." Issac explains looking around the room. I wasn't sure if I quite believed that. The way he's acting makes me think he was telling half-truths, half-lies, or complete lies. There was no way any of that was the whole truth.

"I thought you were struggling in school (Y/n)." Washington says. HE seemed calm about this, but still suspicious and cautious.

"Just in history. Everything else is a cinch for me." (Y/n) says.

"Why is he tied up?" Issac asked. We turned to King George.

"Um, they were playing a game and got a bit carried away." (Y/n) fabricated.

"What game?" Issac asked.

"Catch the rat." Hercules said pointedly. King George glared at him but remained silent.

"O-kay? Well then, should we get started?" Issac asks (Y/N).

"Might as well." (y/n) replies. "Guys do you mind vacating the living room?"

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