Guess Who's Back

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It's here mifucelestialheart

Sorry for the wait!

Hope you enjoy! Be sure to read the note at the end.


🖋 📓 🕐 (Alexander's POV) 🕐 📓 🖋

I woke the next morning, to the sound of (Y/n)'s usual morning panic. I got up and went to the bathroom to get showered. I saw a line formed outside. Laff, Herc, and John were standing outside the bathroom door.

"What's the hold up?" I asked them.

"Jefferson is still in the bathroom." John explained sounding peeved. "It's been 15 minutes."

"What?! But he, Burr, and Madison have their own bathroom in their room!" I exclaim.

"He said the mirror was too small in our bathroom." Madison said coming from his room dressed for the day. He was followed by Burr who also was ready.

"The hell kind of reason is that?!" I yelled. I stormed up to the bathroom door and knocked on the door. "Jefferson!"

"What do you want Hamilton?" Thomas yelled through the door.

"Hurry up. There are other people waiting to get showered." I say. Surprisingly, the door opens to reveal a already dressed Jefferson. I couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Since when did he start listening to me willingly.

He noticed my confusion and said, "The bathroom is all yours Alexander. God knows you need a shower."

There it is. I simply scoffed and told everyone else to continue. I decided to get breakfast first. I walked through the living room and found washington holding Hailey while watching the news. Hailey, completely uninterested in the TV, played with his hat.

"Morning, sir. When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Good morning Alexander. (Y/n) and I woke up earlier this morning because Hailey was a bit restless this morning." He tells me. I then see (Y/n) rushing past in her usual panic whining about a missing book or something.

"Then why is she still so panicked?" I ask.

"Since we were both up she decided to interview me for one of her essays. We lost track of time and here we are." Washington says before turning his attention back to the TV. I felt a tiny bit upset that she hasn't interviewed me yet, but I didn't let it ruin my mood. Jefferson had already done enough of that. I walk into the kitchen to see (Y/n) getting the last of her stuff together.

"(Y/n) can I have something to write with?" I ask.

She looked at me perplexed. "But you have a computer."

"I know, but I just want to do dome simple writing to brush up on my skills." I explain. It feels forever since I last picked up a quill and composed anything.

She looked around for a moment before opening her back back and handing me a book and a strange looking quill-like device.

"Ah! This is one of those quills you use that doesn't require a inkwell." I exclaim. I have seen her use it a couple of times.

"Yep! That's a pen. No ink-cup-thing required. Write to your heart content." She says regathering her stuff.

"This one is styled to look like a quill." I say while examining it. "Can I keep this-?" I began to ask but she is already out the door. I shrug and made myself a bowl of cereal.

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