What time is it? Show time!

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I woke up to the sound of falling stuff. I huffed and groaned when it got so annoying I had to sit up. I don't think I've had a good nights rest in two days. Maybe I can just ignore it and deal with it in the morn-

*Boom* *Crash*

Guess not. I decided to get up and sober up a bit by stretching. Okay, time to investigate. I looked around. It didn't sound like it was coming from Alex or Burr's room and definitely not from anywhere else in the house. That means it coming from...


My room. That one definitely came from the closet. I grabbed a textbook off the floor and hoped that it wasn't a racoon or anything close to that. I crept over to the closet and took hold of the handle. I pressed my ear against the door and heard muffled groans of pain. With a swiftness I never had before I turned and yanked open the door. Out came tumbling three men...18th century men...

I suddenly wished it was a racoon. It seemed like only one of the three was fully awake and the other two were either passed out or dazed. I cursed and went over to turn on the light. The one man that was actually awake groaned at the brightness.

"Okay, you got ten seconds to introduce yourself before I scream and my...roomates come in here. Name, date of birth, and how you died. Ready?" I deadpanned.

"What?" the man was confused. Didn't stop me from counting.


"Oh! Um, my name is John Laurens-"


"I was—I was born October 28, 1754-"


"I was—I was—I died because of..."

"I WAS SHOT!" He shouted. It made me stop counting. I noticed his distress and felt bad. I just can't deal with stuff when I'm tired. I kneeled down and held my hand out to help him up. He stared at it for a second but eventually allowed me to help him. When he was up, I didn't let go of his hand. I instead pulled him in for a hug. He was surprised at first but suddenly broke down crying. I held him and patted his back. We stayed like this in silence until he calmed down. I stepped back a bit still holding him and I wiped the stray tears from his face.

"Its okay. You're alive and well. You'll be okay, I'll make sure of it." I spoke softly. He looked me in the eyes, studying me for a bit before he gave a weak chuckle and stepped away from me completely. While he composed himself I turned to the other two problems. "Hey do you know those two?" I asked John. He looked to them and gasped.

"Hercule? Lafayette?!"

Guess he did. "Here help get the up." I say. I then walked over to the one with curly hair tied into a ponytail. I slung one of his arms over my shoulders and hoisted him up. I was halfway out the room when I turned to john to see he was baffled. "You coming? Pick up the other guy and let's go. Just follow me." I turned to continue carrying my guy out the room and heard John scramble to pick up the other. I lead them to the living room and we laid both men on the sofa.

"Okay, explanation time. I'm about to go over what's going on here, please save all questions for the end, k?" I sat down on one of the loveseat (two-person couch) across from the sofa and patted the spot next to me. "First things first, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). The year is not 17 something, 18 something, or even 19 something it is 2018 and about to go into 2019."

"What-" He began to say but I shushed him.

"I don't know how you got here or why you are here. But I do know that you and your pals are stuck here for the time being. I will let you stay in my home until we figure out how to fix this but until then can you just be okay with staying here?" I say then look to him. He seemed to be think for a few seconds. I was about to ask if he was okay when he suddenly started chuckling. At first it was quiet and barely there but then he seemed to let the floodgates open and was becoming downright hysterical. I have to say...I am concerned.

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