What'd I Miss

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Another Chapter. Also a bit more cussing in this chapter (not a lot).


When I walked through the door, I found that the house was eerily quiet for some reason. I tried to shrug it off. I set my work bag on the table and decided to call the guys out.

"Hey, guys! I'm home! Are you all ready to go?" I ask. I know that Stan's restaurant doesn't close anytime soon, but I still don't want to drive when it gets really late. It's a bit dangerous driving down these roads at night. I heard no response from them and decided to investigate. I went back to the hallway where the rooms were but I was stopped by a letter taped to my door. I read it:

'My dearest, (Y/N)

I would like to give you my sincerest apologies but even that wouldn't express how sorry I am. I have lamented over what I did for hours on end. How foolish I was and how must have made you feel. I don't expect you to forgive me yet for even I have not forgiven myself for my misbehavior. I ask you to not accept my apology but to at least acknowledge it. At first, I was confused and upset over your chosen punishment for my act, looking back on it was brilliant. In the closet I was isolated, accompanied by only my thoughts. My agitation was turned to restlessness after mere minutes of being confined to the small room. I remembered how my thoughts surrounded and circled my conscience. Ever racing, never stopping even for a moment. Almost infinite. I felt like I was wasting away. I begged to you through the door and of course, you denied. For some reason your denial made me feel better. I thought that maybe it was because I felt that I deserved my sentence but I soon realized that it was the sound of your voice that consoled me. It was like I was a sailor on a sinking ship and your voice, a siren's call, was my saving grace. Whenever I couldn't hear you and the silence set in, It felt like I was drowning again. I became desperate, longing to hear your voice no matter how brief it was. I called out and begged to you just to hear your response and every time you acknowledged me it was utter bliss. Then it stopped, you stopped talking to me and the silence began eating away at me again. I assumed that you had gone to bed along with everyone else. I sat there through the night wide awake. It wasn't the sleep deprivation that tortured me, I have seen my fair share of sleepless nights, it was the idea that you may never forgive me or speak to me again. Both possibilities distressed me deeply.

I guess, in summary, what I am trying to tell you is I am sorry. I haven't felt sorry like this for a while. I hope and pray that you may forgive me and what I have done. You have done nothing but been kind and hospitable to my friends and I. You deserve the world and beyond for that and I should strive to grant that to you. I would like to salvage whatever relationship we had before and would like for it to grow ever stronger.

I have the honor to be your friend and housemate,

A. Ham '

I finished reading his letter and a wave of emotions washed over me. I felt a sense of appreciation for what he did and a wave of guilt over what I did. Maybe I should've let him out before I went to work. Maybe I shouldn't have locked him in the closet in the first place. That was a bit of harsh punishment for a simple prank. In hindsight dropping the textbook on his stomach was punishment enough. I sighed and walked into my room to get more dressed up for our dinner. I taped Alexander's letter to my wall. I moved on to what I should wear. I looked into my closet...and regretted my lack of dresses and such. I didn't dress up often because I never felt the need to. I dug through the abyss I call my closet and found something I thought was nice.

 I dug through the abyss I call my closet and found something I thought was nice

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