Transitional Travel Chapter

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Alternate Title: Transitionaleverybody get you crap together, we're going to New York



"So let me get this straight," Issac says pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't annoyed, just exasperated. When I explained it to him he was in shock for two minutes, confused for another two, then panicky the next. Now he was pacing around the room while the revolutionaries were gathered in the living room with me. We decided to keep king George in the attic since he was already out like a light. I guess even king have bedtimes.
"All of you were pulled from the seventeen hundreds. Landed in (Y/N)'s house somehow and have been living here for almost two months," Issac reviews more to himself than us.

"I appeared in a Library," Washington says. Issac sighs. And sits down from his pacing.

"This was a bit more than I was expecting." He says.

"What were you expecting?" I ask him.

"A time-lapse, a misplaced moon, maybe a strange colored eclipse or two. I never fathomed time travel. This is both amazing and terrifying."

"So the weird purple cloud things on your computer. You said they were some type of energy right? What kind?"

"Well, I don't think it's anything that's been properly named yet. Nothing like this has reportedly happened in science or otherwise. I've been calling it the continuum cloud."

Before Issac and I could continue, John interrupted. "You two are discussing some pretty important stuff to our situation. Would you mind cluing us in a bit? We're not quite on a level with all of your present common knowledge."

"Right, sorry. Where would you like me to start?" Issac asks.

"....Everything." Hercules comments. The others, not even Jefferson, made no move to disagree with Hercules's request.

"Uhh, um, do you know who Galileo is?" Issac asks.

Everyone nods.

"Do you know who Isaac Newton is?" Issac continues.

Everybody nods.

"How about Einstein.?"
Nobody gives a definite nod. "Okay, so that's where we'll start. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, who was best known for his theory of relativity. His theory of relativity extended Newton's gravity discoveries by determining that massive objects distort space-time, which is felt as gravity."

"What does that have to do with this?" Jefferson asked. Issac ignored him and kept explaining.

"Einstein's theory of special relativity created a fundamental link between space and time. The universe can be viewed as having three space dimensions — up/down, left/right, forward/backward — and one-time dimension. This 4-dimensional space is referred to as the space-time continuum." Issac got up from his seat and walked up to John. "Can I see your ponytail holder?" John took the band out of his hair and gave it to Issac. He took out two pieces of string and a paperclip from his pocket. He tied the string to the paperclip so that the paper clip was in the middle. Then he tied the ends of the strings to the rubber band.

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