Continuing on (short chapter)

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Not gonna lie. That was pretty a good prank. Messy, uncoordinated, and little bit over dramatic but pretty good. Alex had decided to prank everybody because they still didn't know tomatoes were safe. It basically went like this:


"Alexander, no. We're not going to get into any antics right now." I deny his proposal.

"But-" He begins but I had already walked over to the dining room table.

"Okay, here's some plates dig in." I say setting the table. The guys file in and sit down respectively. The stare at the pizza with confusion, save for Alexander. He proceeded to take a slice and plop it on his plate. He paused briefly though.

"What?" I ask him reaching for a slice myself.

"Where are the utensils?" He asked me.

I snickered. "You don't need utensils for pizza...unless you really prefer them." I explain taking a bite. Alexander smiles and eats his too. The others were still hesitant. John grabbed himself a slice but was looking at it unsurely. Lafayette simply stared at the box and Hercules seemed to throw all caution to the wind and stuffed a full slice into his mouth in one go.

"What exactly is this?" Burr asked trying not to look disgusted by Hercules' display. I finish my slice and look to answer him.

"It's pizza." I say simply

"Well what is pizza?"

"This." There was brief moment between Burr and I, where Burr stared at me with a less than amused and stared back trying to look as serious as him. I failed of course. I let out a chuckle and finally explained.

"It's a greek dish and a believed to be Italian specialty. It's actually a very common food in today's America."

"Is that so." He urges on as he picks up a slice.

"Yep, some people actually live off of it because of its convenience. There is no way you could enter a state in America and not find at least ten pizzerias or establishments. There are even name brand ones like Domino's or Pizza hut."

"What is it made of?" He asks. At this point John had decided to take a bit Alexander was on his third and Hercules stuffing in his fourth. Lafayette still glared at it with suspicion.

"Um, basically, Dough, cheese, um this one has pepperoni's on it and ... tomato sauce-"

"What!" Burr said dropping his slice.

I was about to reassure that tomatoes weren't poisonous, but wait! My spidey senses are tingling, I should duck. I did.

Hercules and John both choked before spitting the food out in fear.

"Eeeewwww." I exclaim. Pizza does not look as appetizing when chewed and spit out.

"Je le savais!" Lafayette screamed before getting up and backing away.

Burr looked at me with disbelief.

"Guys its fine. Tomatoes aren't-" I was interrupted by a choking and sputtering Hamilton. I looked over to him, about to ask him what's wrong, when I realized he was faking. John and Hercules were now freaking even worse and quickly rushed over to Alexander's side. I have to admit he is putting on a show.

"Why would you do this?" Burr asked with a sort of sorrowful yet tired voice.

"Aaron...I have been eating pizza and other things with tomatoes in it for years. Tomatoes aren't poisonous. According to the internet it had something to do with the plates people were using. I just finished a full slice and I am fine." I explain to him. He seemed to think for a second or two before calming down.

"Well then what-?" He began to point at Alexander.

"Faking it...and pretty well too." I say. We stare at the show the other four were putting on.

"Come on Alexander don't die now. We only just got back." Laurens begged. I swear to god, Lafayette, Hercules, and John were going to cry. I decided I had enough. I pondered for a moment how to effectively stop the situation and get back at Alexander...I got it.

I went to my room and got...the textbook. I walked over to the group, bypassed the near-hysterical trio and dropped the three-pound literature onto Alexander's stomach. 

No mercy.

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To catch you completely up to speed, this is the situation at hand. Burr and I are sitting on the couch while we teach Lafayette, Hercules, and John how to use the TV properly. Alexander is locked in the closet and is on 'time out time' until further notice. I think he is going stir crazy.

"Come on. Please let me out!" Alex pleaded.

"NO. You are stuck in baby jail until you stop acting like a child." I deny, not taking my eyes off the TV. "So guys what should we watch. We should get you caught up on the classics." I logged on to my Netflix account and browsed through for a bit. I found what I was looking for.

"What's this?" John asked.

"One of Netflix's greatest masterpieces. Guys, let me introduce you to Stranger Things."

It was a long night.

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