What You Were Doing

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After writing and leaving the note to Burr on the door of the bathroom I went to begin my day of work. My work schedule for the week is pretty simple despite having six jobs. Three jobs on Tuesday, three on Thursday, and every other day I go to school...unless it i the weekend of course. Most people would be overwhelmed by having so many occupations, heck sometimes even I am, but I do it because I enjoy it. Work doesn't feel like work when you enjoy it. Since today is Tuesday that means my schedule is as such.

1. Teaport
2. Lost and Found
3. The Museum

I drive to my first destination, Teaport, a new restaurant that opened in the plaza. When I entered the bar Stan greeted me pretty quickly.

"Hello, (Y/N). How are you this morning.  Stan is a middle aged man and the owner and he was good friends with my dad. He offered me a job as soon as I finished high school. I work as a waitress of course and the patrons are usually pretty friendly.  I don't usually run into to many jerks on the job because I work the morning shift. 

"I'm doing pretty good. A bit tired though." I respond to him putting on my apron around my waist.

"Heh, that college for you." He said in his usual chipper demeanor.

"Oh! That reminds me do you think that later tonight I can bring a group of friends over for dinner? They are...new to Alabama and I wanted to bring them to the best restaurant around." I explain. I also knew that during the afternoon and late that they switch to a bar and grill. I felt slightly bad because I was still a year away from being able to purchase alcohol on my own and I knew the guys probably want to drink.

"Of course I don't mind." Stan says as he preps the kitchen. "It wouldn't be any trouble at all. I mean it's a restaurant. Why would I refuse new patrons?"

"That good to hear." I smile. I open the doors and let the people in for the breakfast rush.


"Thanks for the help this morning (Y/N)." Stan said. He gave me a few take out boxes. "Give this to the little ones when you go to work, okay. And tell the Sam I said hi."
I say goodbye to Stan and head on to my next stop. I pull up to the large building and let out a happy sigh. I opened the doors and I was immediately flat on the floor and meer seconds.

"(Y/N)!" several small children cheered from the dog pile. Lost and Found is a special orphanage and child relocation center. The orphans and rescued children come here and are taken care of in the facility until they are adopted or get old enough to move on. I work as a caretaker and teachers aid for the preschool through third grade division of their education program. When I first came here it was for my required community service hours for high school completion but I quickly came to love the place and all the children that lived there. I have watched some get adopted and others grew old enough to live on their own.

"Morning (Nick Name), they sure did miss you." Sam greeted me. Sam was about thirty. She graduated about two years ago with a degree in education. I often aid her during my work hours.

"I missed all of you too. Stan made you all breakfast." I say holding up the big bad of take out boxes I managed to save from the fall. Sam and I lead the kids to the dining hall and we served everyone the food I brought in. I looked at the time and acted accordingly. I told Sam I would be back as I began to exit the dining hall. She gave a understanding nod and I made my way down the hall. I climbed the stairs to the third floor and into the the nursery wing. I entered room 42 and saw her.

Hailey. My baby...or at least the one I have been wanting to adopt for awhile. Hailey's mom died during childbirth and her dad was just nowhere to be found. When Hailey was brought in she was only a few day old. The headmaster assigned me as one of her caretakers because of my interest in the case. It didn't long for me to get attached. In remember how small and pink she was. Her intense grip that made my finger feel like it was suffocating. When she first opened those brown eyes I almost fell apart and I thought I was so smart. Hailey was not up for adoption because of her health complication at the time. There were times where she get sick and I would be so worried that I stayed days on end by her side.

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