While We're Waiting (Burr's POV)

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Also known as "The Dinner" pt. 1

Also please read the Author's Note at the end.



I woke up on the couch, (Y/N) missing from my side. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stood up to get showered. When I began walking to bathroom I nearly tripped over Laurens. Lafayette, Hercules, and John were all still passed out on the floor. I couldn't help but shake my head at their carefree demeanors over this whole ordeal. They got over it in a matter of hours while my head is still reeling over the situation. I continued to think as I made my way to the bathroom. I found a note on the door.

'Dear Aaron,

I have gone to work and won't be back until late. I know that you are going to be the first one up, so I want you to do the following for me.

Wake up the Hercules and have him help you with breakfast. I picked up some cereal and milk at Walmart so don't, I repeat, don't mess with the microwave, oven, or any other kitchen appliance. If you don't know what it is or how it works, don't try.

Wake up Laurens and Lafayette. Make sure they eat.

Get Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette get showered and dressed for the day. I plan to take you guys out to eat later so I need them ready

Let Alexander out of the closet. I would've told you to do this first, but I am honestly feeling petty this morning. Make sure he gets ready too.

Teach the trio how to use their phones. I left them on the kitchen counter.

I would really appreciate your help Aaron. You seemed to be the most down to earth person in this house and I trust you completely.


(First initial). (first three letters of last name)'

I smiled at the letter. She is one of the few people who simply address me by my first name. It sounds so warm coming from her. Almost like...Theodosia. I felt a wave of grief wash over me. Thinking of my late wife always did. Why is it that everyone who has ever been by my side dies while I seem to be alive. I came back to life! I laugh bitterly at the unfairness of the situation. I sigh and Wipe away the stray tears that fell down my face and continued to get ready for the day.


I did as (Y/N) requested and woke up just Hercules first. I explained to him what cereal was and told him to help me get Laurens and Lafayette up. While they were eating I decided to teach them how to use their phones.

"So we can communicate over distances with this block?" Hercules asked. I nod in conformation while I stopped Laurens from dropping it in his cereal.

"What is the 'google'?" Lafayette asked. I wasn't quite sure myself so I just ignored the question.

"Mine keeps going black." Laurens whined poking at the glass.

"Just press the small button on the side of the phone." I explain. His phone screen lit up again and Laurens laughed in delight. I huffed out of exhaustion. Is this what it was like for (Y/N) when teaching Alexander and I.

Oh crap. I forgot about Hamilton. I went over to the closet and hastily unlocked it. He must have been sleeping against the door because when I opened it he came tumbling out. I didn't get a chance to ask if he was okay because he ran off to his room and closed the door. I at a loss of what to do when I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and saw I had gotten a...um-text! I got a text from (Y/N) saying that I should teach them how to use the computer too. I wasn't sure what to do though. (Y/N) never taught me in depth about the computer. Hamilton spent too much time on it. After a small argument with myself and taking a big gulp of my pride I decided to go ask Hamilton for help. I knocked on his door and heard no response from him.

"Hamilton. Hamilton please. (Y/N) has asked me to fulfill a request and I'm not sure I can do it on my own." I pleaded. I heard him scoff through the door. Normally I would of just walked off by now but I don't want (Y/N) to be upset...or disappointed. I thought for a moment when I realized something that could convince him. "Hamilton. If you come out and help me teach the others how to use the computer, then I'll help you think of a way to apologize to (Y/N)." Somehow I knew that he simply wanted to apologize to (Y/N).

There was a brief silence before Hamilton opened the door and poked his head out. "Fine." He relented. Just let me get ready for the day." I nodded, satisfied with his compliance and went to check on the others.


I silently watched as the four men huddled around the computer. Alexander was currently teaching them about YouTube. I got bored of watching the four and went to watch TV. I was going through channels when I saw something that surprised me. It was a documentary about the revolution. I turned up the volume and continued to watch. I felt waves of nostalgia as the narrator retold stories and tales I already lived. The guys had came in and started to watch too. At one point it started to talk about a war that came after the revolution called "The Civil War". Laurens was delighted to find that slavery was abolished by it.

Alexander tapped me on the shoulder and looked at me expectantly. That's when I remembered that I was supposed to help him come up with a way to apologize to (Y/N). I reluctantly left the couch and followed Alexander to the dining room table. We sat there in silence for the longest time. I was about to break the quiet, When Alexander beat me to it.

"What should I do Burr? I am at a lost. I didn't mean to upset her the way that I did. I just thought it would be funny way to introduce the information. I mean even I thought tomatoes were poisonous when I first got here, but she proved me wrong. Looking back on it of course she would've gotten upset she told me explicitly not to play around, but I did anyway. Every time I-" Alexander began to ramble on endlessly. I tuned out of the conversation and began pondering just what is going on in his head. Yes, (Y/N) was annoyed but she wasn't really mad at him. I could see that and the others probably could too. He seems to be taking her reaction too personally. I snapped out of my thoughts to hear Hamilton still rambling on. I sighed and decided it was time to give him a solution.

"Hamilton." He stops his rambling short and looks at me. His eyes were red and teary. Was he going to cry? "You're overthinking this. (Y/N) is not cross with you." I saw that he was about to argue so I quickly continued. "If you are so convinced then why don't you write her an apology. That seems to be what you do best."

Hamilton immediately perked up "You're right Burr! I should write her a beautiful piece. Something that will convey my regret and show that I appreciate her." He got up from the table and raced towards his room, rambling all the way there what he was going to write. I heard his door slam and slouched in my chair with a sigh.

That man is non-stop.


annnd that a wrap!!!!!

Thank you for reading this chapter. It took me awhile to figure it how I wanted to express it.

Now, there are two things I want to you all to help me decide on for two future chapters...if you are willing to.

First! Choose a state:

New York



Second...Boy or girl? ;) :




It would really help me a lot if you were to provide input. I enjoy having my readers interact with my stories.

Until next time,


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