The Pride of Mount Vernon

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You know who it is!



Ah, my old friend. So nice of you to drop in. I smack my alarm clock and decided to stay in bed for another five minutes.

BEEP BEEP Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Huh? What the- That's the sound it makes when... I shot up out of bed.

"I'M LATE AGAIN." I involuntarily scream. I scramble to get my stuff and go shower.

Isn't this a beautiful way to start the day.

When I was done with my rushed shower, I ran back to my room to repack my backpack for today's classes.

"Okay, um, Books, pencils, pen...why don't I have any pens?! I looked around frantically before I noticed the feathered fountain pen on my desk. I grabbed it stuffed it in my bag and rushed out of my room with haste. It seemed like my morning antics woke up everyone because they were giving me confused and sleepy looks from the hallway.

"Bye, guys! Heading school. Don't break anything. Don't break each other. Love y'all, Bye." I say finally getting out the door and to my car.


"Back to the late track, aren't we miss (l/n)." Mr. Darwin greeted.

"You know me." I respond weakly, pointing finger guns at him.

"Sadly, yes I do. Now back to the topic at hand..." Mr. Darwin says. The lecture was rather short today. Mr. Darwin later says, "Okay, class. I have something important to attend to, so I guess you all have free time until I get back." Then he got up to leave.

I decided to take this time to work more on the essays. I was still at a lost on what to write so I continued to skim the pages and look for key figures. I didn't find anyone particularly intriguing so with a sigh I pondered what to do. I need to get this essay done in order to graduate.

That's when I realized something I should've realized along time ago. I have historical figures in my house. I could just interview them and be done. I face palmed at my late revelation, causing several of my classmates to give me weird looks. I nervously chuckled and tried not to draw anymore attention for the rest of the class period.

((((((((( I am running out of ideas for Timeskip bars )))))))))))

I left the classroom without incident and made my way to the library. As I was walking I felt something weird in the air. I shrugged it off and continued walking. When I reached the library, Tabitha greeted me.

"How are you (y/n), I see you didn't bring any of your handsome friends with you." She teased. I waved her off and went to my usual spot. When I got there I noticed a couple of books scattered around. I collected them and took them to Tabitha.

"Do you mind helping me out?" Tabitha asked. I said, "not at all" and she gave me a paper that said where all the books went. I set out on a out away books. I must be really bored. I took the one pen I grabbed from home to mark stuff off.

Dinosaur books- check

Chemistry stuff books- check

Crappy romance books- check

History books- almost check

I started to wonder if Mr. Darwin gave a similar project to anyone else because there was several history books to put away. There was one book I couldn't find the section for.

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