Didn't Have to Wait

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He surprisingly accepted that answer with a hum. For once today it was a comfortable silence that graced the room. Today was...hectic but strangely fun? Maybe "fun" is not quite the word but it wasn't entirely unpleasant. I looked to Alexander and he seemed to be carried off into his own little world at the moment. His dazed, faraway look mesmerized me for some reason. Despite his relaxed look his eyes showed so much more going one. I saw excitement and wonder in his orbs and yet there were still these hints of doubt and confusion in there too. Suddenly his eyes caught mine and we couldn't look away from each other. His eyes held a flurry of different emotions now...I'm not quite sure what all of them are but one was definitely surprise. I snapped my head away and force myself to look elsewhere. Lucky me I spotted the clock.

"Wow, the day is practically over now. How about we get some dinner. I'm sure we're both hungry. We didn't have breakfast and we've pretty much-missed lunch." I say getting up and making a break for the kitchen. I could have sworn I heard him chuckle. I debated on what to make. I live kind of in the country so pizza would honestly take a while and frankly, I don't feel like waiting. I need something that is simple to make because I'm too tired to make something extravagant...compromise. I dug through my freezer and found some pizza rolls. I poured some on a baking sheet and threw them in the oven. Okay, nine minutes that's long enough. I walked back to the table to see that Alexander wasn't there. Perplexed, I walked into the living room to see him looking at things. He looked fascinated by everything. Now that he was calm he must be taking things in more in depth. I chuckled quietly to myself at his childlike wonder as he stared at my fish tank. He was honestly kind of cute right now. When he's not panicking or rambling he seems weirdly charming. I shook my head and decided to go talk to him. He was playing with a lamp when I walked over.

"It's a lamp you know," I explain. My voice seemed to startle him and he almost dropped it. "They came out a year or two just before you...let me show you how it works." I had him put it down and I began to demonstrate.

"You see you twist this little knob on the inside twice and it turns on-" I did so and the bulb shone brightly. " and then you turn it twice again and it turns off." He tried so himself and was delighted that he did it correctly. He looked towards my fish tank.

"Those are my pet fish. I haven't had time to get a dog or a cat so I settled on fish for the time being. I got them at the pet store."

"There is a store dedicated to just pets?" He questioned.

"You'll find that there are stores dedicated to many things," I say. He nodded and moved on to the TV. I knew we'd get here eventually.


I had just finished explaining how the TV worked when the oven had finally gone off. The noise made Alexander yelp. I chuckled and went to get our dinner out of the oven. I served them on plates and the both of us sat down. I started eating, enjoying my food. I never realized how hungry I was until I finally got food. I looked up to see if Alexander was enjoying it but was surprised to see he wasn't eating. He stared at the pockets strangely.

"Have you never had pizza pockets before. They're like mini pizzas..." I trailed off at his even more confused look. "You've never had pizza either have you." I sighed and began to explain.

"Pizza is and Greek/Italian specialty dish. It usually comes as this big circle cut into triangles..." I could see I wasn't helping. "Um...it's made of bread, meat slices like pepperoni, cheese, and tomatoes."

"What!" His outburst surprised me.

"What's wrong?" I asked. His horrified face made me feel concern.

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