How do I look?

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A/N - Levi and Taryn are totally best friends and I think they share all information about their lives with each other. Taryn is also the biggest supporter of Schmico.

Levi had been nervous throughout the day but excited for what he was doing tonight. Nico had planned a date for the two of them, giving Levi as little details as he could, only saying they were going straight from work when they finished.

Surprisingly, Levi hadn't seen Nico all day and he was wondering if Nico was purposefully doing it. Either way, Levi was missing him. The intern wasn't sure why he was so nervous about this date, he and Nico had been on a few already but this one seemed different and definitely more formal.

Nico had told Levi to wear 'something nice' even though the intern always tried to look good on dates, it seemed like he had to put a bit more effort in his outfit this time.

"You've adjusted that shirt about twenty times already, you look fine," Taryn, another intern, spoke from the other side of the locker room. Levi looked at her through the mirror, sighing loudly.

"It just doesn't look right, maybe I'll put on the other shirt," At this point, Levi was talking to himself. He had finished working roughly half an hour ago and he still couldn't decide what to wear for his shirt. However, he had decided to wear some tight black skinny jeans which apparently 'made his ass look great', that's at least what Taryn told him.

"Well, you've got, " Taryn began, looking down at the watch on her wrist, "15 minutes till he comes and gets you." Levi picked up one of the other shirts he brought with him, this one was just plain white which seemed to go better with the black and white patterned blazer he had with him.

As he buttoned it up, he turned back to the mirror, tucking it in and straightening it out before slipping his arms into the blazer. He ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it slightly. He quickly looked himself up and down in the mirror before walking over to his locker and putting away his other clothes.

"How do I look?" He asked as he still stood by his locker, waiting for Taryn to reply to him but she didn't. Levi shut his locker and turned to the door. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw Nico learning against the door of the room, smiling at him.

"You look perfect," Nico's eyes were trailing up and down Levi as he stood blushing by the lockers, his hands fiddling with the buttons on his blazer. Nico looked amazing too. He was wearing black trousers with a black shirt that was slightly unbuttoned which was accompanied by a blue blazer. Levi didn't know what to say just stood there staring. "Are you ready to go?" Nico walked up to Levi, pulling the intern's hand away from his blazer, his thumb rubbing gently on the back of Levi's hand while looking down into his eyes.

"Y-yeah, of course," Levi stuttered out, his cheeks flushing. He felt so stupid to be acting like this but he couldn't help it, his stomach was full of butterflies and his heart was beating hard against his chest that he was pretty sure it was going to burst out.

Nico smiled at the little stutter and his eyes flickered to the lips of the man standing in front of him. He too felt that this was different than normal. His hand, that wasn't holding Levi's, made its way up Levi's side before it got to the top of his blazer. He grabbed hold of it and pulled the intern closer to him, closing the gap between their lips.

It was like the first time they kissed, it was passionate and perfect. Levi relaxed into the touch of Nico but still had to lean upon his tiptoes to properly reach. His hands tugged at the back of the fellow's hair as the two got carried away.

"I'm pretty sure you two have a reservation to get to," Taryn interrupted and the two pulled apart. Nico turned to her with an unimpressed look on his face while Levi blushed and pushed his glasses back up.

"Do you tell her everything?" Nico asked Levi, one eyebrow raised slightly. Levi shrugged,

"Not everything," He smiled sheepishly, pecking Nico on the lips quickly. "She is right though, we probably should get going."

"I liked what we were doing," Nico smirked down at Levi.

"I didn't put all these clothes on for you to just take them off," Levi said seriously. Nico chuckled in return.

"He's totally learning all this sass from you," Taryn spoke again. The two forgot she was there and both of them sent her a glare. "You're in a public space, I don't need to leave."

"And that's our cue to leave," Nico turned back to Levi, smiling sweetly before pulling him out the room by his hand. 

The two walked through the hospital, not caring about any looks they got from the people around them. To be fair, it wasn't a busy night there so they didn't get many looks. But the two held hands and walked out the front doors, getting into Nico's car. The two looked at each other before they started driving, their hands still together.

"You ready?" Nico asked, hand ready on the wheel. Levi looked to him and then the road, a smile on his lips.


A/N - My first schmico short story. This will probably be the average length of a story and I know people probably want to see the date they are going on but the story will always be based around the prompt I have which will be the title.

I hope you enjoyed the story!!

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