He said let go.

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A/N - Hello Again!! Here is another one for you to enjoy. This was an idea from one of the readers mixed with one prompt I had. I hope you like it! Also, I totally believe that Meredith has a soft spot for Levi and that he and Jo are also good friends. (Not currently proofread or edited.)

Levi leant against the desk in the emergency room, Taryn stood next to him reading through a chart for the tenth time that morning. Both were bored as there weren't many patients coming in. 

"I think I've memorised this," Taryn said, placing the chart down, sighing and looking around. Hoping for a patient to need help or for someone to come through the doors. Levi groaned and smiled at his best friend, he wouldn't know how to survive in this place if it wasn't for her.

"Is it bad to say that it's boring with no one to help?" He said, glancing around again. Most of the patients that were in here were fine, just waiting for results or to be taken somewhere else but no one needed treating. 

"Nope, I totally agree," Taryn replied, deciding to doodle in her little notebook until she had something to do. A couple of doctors came down and got gowns on, both of them knew that meant someone was coming in. 

"Helm!" Amelia Sheppard called to Taryn, who smiled to Levi and jumped into action, getting her own gown and gloves on which left Levi on his own. His best friend was always called to head traumas since everyone knew how much she loved brains. Levi sighed and decided to see if anyone needed anything, picking up a chart to take along with him. He asked a couple of them whether they needed anything or if they were okay to which most replied that they were fine or how long would it be till they got their results. Levi answered all of them calmly and did some checks on others, asking about pain and making sure they weren't deteriorating. Just when Levi was going to see if he could go help somewhere else, he saw Nico come into the emergency room going to the doors and meeting the paramedics who were bringing a guy in. 

"Schmitt," Nico called, briefly looking to him as he was putting gloves on. Levi silently celebrated that he was finally going to do something and grabbed a pair of gloves from a box nearby. He joined Nico in following the paramedics as they wheeled the gurney in. 

"26-year-old male, Nathan Wyatt, been in a fight. He has multiple cuts and grazes," The paramedic started, playing the gurney next to a bed. Levi lowered the sides of the bed and Nathan pulled himself onto it. "He initially refused treatment but after passing out, we convinced him to come in and is complaining of jaw pain and a broken wrist." The paramedic finished, adding that they hadn't given him any pain killers. Levi and Nico got to work. 

"Was it a fistfight or was there other objects involved?" Nico asked and the man scowled at him to which Nico ignored and waited for an answer.

"Why do you need to know?" He snapped after a moment, watching as Levi got a range of bandages out and cleaning stuff for the grazes and cuts. 

"So I know how forcefully your jaw was broken and if there is a possibility of a head injury," Nico answered and Nathan went to disagree that his jaw was broken but winced as he touched it. Levi tried not to laugh, some patients really thought they knew everything and they were always right. 

"Could you lean forward please?" Levi asked, stethoscope ready. The man gave him a judgy look before obliging, allowing for Levi to listen to his heart and to hear if there was fluid in his lungs. Levi moved back, asking if he could listen to the man's chest. After a second, he couldn't hear any problems and moved back. "All clear," Levi said to Nico who nodded, examining Nathan's wrist. 

"It was just a fistfight," Nathan said after a second of wincing and glaring to Nico. Levi was definitely intimidated by this guy, he wondered if such as big guy like him was this injured then what did the other guy looked like. He wondered what they were fighting about but didn't want to ask, Nathan already seemed angry enough. 

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