I won't leave

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A/N - I cant really be bothered to proof read this as I just want to publish it so sorry for mistakes!!

Nico had been at the hospital for a couple of hours now, helping out in the pit as there weren't many Ortho cases for him to be working on. He wished something interesting would come in as checking people for small injuries and dealing with overdramatic people was totally not his thing but each new person that arrived was just another boring case. There wasn't even anyone he could really talk to in the ER at the moment, making the time pass even slower. 

As Nico was checking on one of the patients, updating them on their blood results - which were completely normal - he heard someone making a fuss with the paramedics that had just come in.  Nico didn't look up immediately but he began to recognise the voice of the person and it was soon after his eyes found who the voice belonged to. Nico sighed slightly, he knew he asked for something interesting to come in but that did not mean his ex. The male watched for a second as the other male was taken to one of the spare beds, his head having a small laceration and bruise, along with his knuckled bloodied. Nico could already guess that he had been in a fight with someone. He didn't want to get involved and his next plan was to avoid him and find a way out of the ER. Once Nico had finished with the patient, he made his way to Dr Hunt, wanting to ask if he could be a help anywhere else.

"I've checked on all my patients, is there anywhere else I can help out?" Nico asked as Dr Hunt looked at some charts, he watched as the other doctor thought for a second, looking around the ER. 

"For once, it's a pretty calm day," Dr Hunt began, "Maybe you could see if anyone on rounds wants help but you would have to come back here when needed," The male suggested and Nico nodded, even rounds sounded better than having to interact with his ex and hang around here. 

"Of course," Nico said before walking over to the main desk, making sure all recent patient details were uploaded before he was to leave. Just as Nico put down the device and went to walk away, his name was called. 

"Nico?" The voice questioned and Nico already knew who it was. The doctor debated on just ignoring the voice but really wasn't up for any issues it could cause. He took a deep breath and turned around, making eye contact with his ex, Greyson. Nico already wanted to roll his eyes at the cocky smile on the other man's face as he walked over. "Nico, I can't believe it is actually you, haven't seen you in what? like 5 years, wow," Greyson said as Nico got closer. Nico had his arms crossed over his chest, not wanting to seem like he wanted to engage with him but gave Greyson a polite small smile. 

"Yeah, it has been long hasn't it," Nico said, "What got you into this situation then?" Nico asked though he was pretty sure he already knew. He watched as Greyson looked at his bruised hands before looking back to him. 

"You know, a big bear wanted my food, totally had to defend it," Greyson joked and Nico scoffed. 

"I've seen how people turn out when they come across a bear, looks more like you fought a chihuahua" Nico replied. "Guessing you are about to say 'you should see the other guy' like you're trying to impress me," Nico added before Greyson could speak again, the injured male still gave Nico a cocky smile. 

"I don't have to impress you, you already know me," Greyson smiled, "Anyway, how have you been?" He said, trying to change the subject. 

"Great thanks," Nico said rather bluntly but Greyson ignored it, wanting to talk more. Nico watched as Greyson sat himself up more on the bed. 

"Guess you're pretty busy being a doctor and all," Greyson said, obviously looking Nico up and down in his scrubs. Nico wished he had walked away instead of allowing this conversation to start. 

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