Wish you had told me

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Hello! This is going to be a long one so I hope you enjoy it! Hopefully, you smile and cry with this one as it's a mixture of fluff and angst. (currently not completely checked or edited) 

"I'll be back in about an hour," Nico said, leaning down to kiss Levi who was sat on the couch, their lips softly touching for a second before they were parting. Levi smiled, nodding slightly and mumbling an okay, watching as Nico left the apartment to go food shopping. Levi turned back towards the TV, a Netflix show about the supernatural and paranormal playing, still in his pyjamas which were grey joggers and a baggy top that was Nico's. 

Nico's and Levi's relationship was going strong, nearly being together for 9 months. Levi, at this point, was mostly moved in with Nico. Though it wasn't official that they were, he often stayed there and many of his personal belongings were in the apartment. 

About 20 minutes into watching the show, there was a knock at the door. Levi paused the show, looking confused towards the door, wondering who it would be since Nico has a key and he shouldn't even be back yet. Levi got up, straightening out his clothes and running his through his hair, hoping it didn't look too much of a mess to however was at the door. Shocked was an understatement when Levi opened the door, stood there was Nico's mother. He knew it was her as he had seen her in photos even though he had yet to meet her. 

"Who are you?" She asked, not looking at Levi and more like peering into the apartment. Levi faltered in his words, not knowing what to say. 

"I-I'm Levi?" He said uncertainly which made Nico's mother send a weird glare at him. It fell quiet and Levi wished he hadn't opened the door in the first place, however, he knew he needed to be polite to her, she was Nico's mother after all. "Nico's not here right now," Levi managed to say normally with a sort of smile. The women raised her eyebrows, shifting in her position. 

"Clearly you know who I am," She stated, looking Levi up and down and suddenly he was regretting wearing these comfy clothes, he probably looked like he didn't look after himself, that was a great first impression. "It was nice of Nico to tell me about you," Mrs Kim muttered bitterly and sarcastically. Before Levi could get another word out, Nico's mother was walking past him and into the apartment. "And when will Nico be back?" She asked, looking around the room with a judgmental look on her face. Levi just wanted Nico to be here.

"He's just gone shopping, he'll be back in about half an hour," Levi said but was secretly hoping that Nico would be walking through the door any minute now. It wasn't because Levi didn't like Mrs Kim, but he just wanted to be prepared and make a good impression and right now, it was going downhill; Nico could make this all better. Levi very much wanted to get on with Mrs Kim. 

"I guess I'll just have to wait until he gets back then," She said, setting her bag on the side and starting to wander around the room. Levi could see the mess he had left on the couch and coffee table, the blanket, bowls and cups, he felt embarrassed. As Mrs Kim looked around, Levi subtly picked up the mess and folded up the blanket but he knew that she was watching him, judging him. 

"When did you get here then?" Levi decided to try and get a conversation going, maybe that would ease the tension in the room but it seemed to be worse. Levi watched as Mrs Kim just stared at him. 

"I would have assumed that he told you," Levi's comment was shut down which stunned him, he just wanted to leave at this point. Levi grabbed his phone from the coffee table before stating that he would be back in a minute, trying to ignore the eyes on him as he walked into the bedroom. 

He softly shut the door and sat down on the edge of the bed, automatically finding Nico's number and calling it. Levi waited but Nico didn't pick up, silently cursing to himself, Levi decided to text him, saying that his mother was in the apartment, hoping Nico would see it. Placing his phone on the bed, Levi got up and found some more suitable and tidier clothes to put on, settling with a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. After checking he looked okay in the mirror, Levi left the bedroom. He tried to put a cheerful look on his face as he walked over to the kitchen area.

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