You expect me to take care of a child?

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Hello all! I'm back after a long time! I can't believe how many reads this has. I have been lacking in motivation and this is the first thing I wanted to write, however it's not as schmico as it is Levi but I hope you enjoy!

(Currently not fully proof read/editied)

Every inch of the ER had something going on, every bed was taken and doctors and nurses were rushing to save lives. There was crying and screaming, blood and tears, shouting and chaos. Some people could think this place was out of control. More and more people were coming through the doors with injuries and paramedics with patients were struggling to manoeuvre around them.  A mass casualty accident had happened, causing every person in the hospital to be on their feet and thinking fast. A large truck had ploughed through various vehicles when the roads had come to a sudden stop. Many people were seriously injured and some were hopelessly trying to be saved even though they were already gone. To a child, this place was loud, confusing and scary, somewhere they would want to escape, run as far away as they could. 

Nico was walking to the ER from looking at some scans of someone's arm, it was crushed to pieces and Nico doubted that he would be able to fix, he knew this wouldn't be the only bones that were like this. He was going to be extremely busy today. As Nico was walking down one of the corridors back to the ER, he heard a quiet whimper. Immediately, he stopped walking and listened, hearing it again and a shuffling noise behind a medical cart. Nico peered round the cart, seeing a young boy who couldn't be older than 6, with his knees to his chest and hands over his ears, his eyes tightly shut. Nico sighed, crouching down in front of the child who had yet to see him. 

"Hey, buddy," Nico said softly, not wanting to scare the child any more than what he already was. The child's head jerked up, the child's big scared eyes looking right at him. "It's alright, you're not in trouble," Nico watched as the child brought his hands away from his ears and rubbed his eyes. "What's your name?" Nico asked, still crouching down. 

"Ethan," The boy spoke, taking a deep breath. "Are you a doctor?" Nico could see Ethan looking at his scrubs, Nico nodded. 

"Yeah, I am," Nico smiled softly, "Are you hurt?" Nico asked, trying to look for any injuries on the child but only seeing a few grazes. Ethan shook his head slightly, squeezing his knees closer to his chest. "Was someone else hurt?" Nico noticed that Ethan shut his eyes again. Thoughts ran through Nico's head, wondering where this child came from or what happened. Has he got family here or is he a patient? No Code Pink had been called so that was good but it also meant someone didn't know he was hiding, Nico thought.  "Is your family here?" 

"My mummy and daddy," Ethan said after a moment, looking back up at Nico with a sad look. "I don't know where they are," The child looked down the hall, towards the ER. Nico was starting to piece it together. 

"We can find them okay?" Nico said and Ethan nodded eagerly, "Come on then," Nico held his hand out for the child who took it quickly, using Nico's hand to get to his feet. "You got to tell me if you see someone you know," Nico said as they started walking, looking down at Ethan who was biting his nails. Nico didn't even have to open the door to the ER, enough people were coming in and out that they were never able to shut. Ethan's grip got tighter on Nico's hand as they walked in, Nico was looking for someone like Karev or Bailey who would know what to do but they weren't in sight. Nico walked over to a side of the ER that wasn't as crowded, Ethan's grip still strong. 

"Nico! Can I get some help over here?" Link's voice travelled over the crowd with urgency. Nico looked down at Ethan who was looking up at him, his eyes scared again. Nico looked around quickly, the first person he saw who he would trust with a child was Levi. 

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