Where were you?

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Let's get some drama up in here. Also, different stories will be at different points in time. In this Levi is a resident and Nico is an attending, (I think that's what It would be but please correct me if I'm wrong).

Once again Levi was waiting outside of the hospital, sitting on the cold metal bench, praying for Nico to turn up soon so he could get warm. His coat and scarf were not in any way helping him to keep warm.

Nico promised, promised, that he would be out on time, that he wouldn't leave Levi to find a uber and make his way home alone. But, to no surprise, he didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

Obviously, Levi knew that he couldn't help if surgeries overran or traumas came in that he needed to deal with but sometimes Levi would sit outside too long waiting for him. He knew it was going to be the same this time. Levi debated on going over to Joe's or maybe just going home by himself but he made a promise too, to wait for his boyfriend so he could finally see him and spend quality time together that didn't include work.

It frustrated him, sitting outside and not knowing how long it was going to take for Nico to walk out the doors. He felt like he had been forgotten but didn't want to bring it up as it would seem like he was overreacting. Oh course Nico hadn't forgotten that he was waiting, right?

20 minutes had gone by and Levi had to stop checking his phone before his hands froze completely. He knew he was being stupid by staying outside when it was cold, he could literally be inside and warm but it was their thing, to meet outside to go home. Levi just decided to turn his volume on his phone so he could hear if Nico rang, and put it in his pocket where his hands stayed.

It never rang. Not for the next 10 minutes or the next half an hour. Levi felt let down, disappointed as this wasn't the first or even second time this had happened. It had also started raining, heavy drops hitting him and bouncing off the metal bench, his hair and clothes slowly becoming drenched. He knew at this point he had to get inside, that it was stupid to stay out in the rain but his mind was telling him 'He will be out any moment, there's no point of moving'.

Levi didn't move, instead just letting the rain soak into his clothes and drip down his face. He probably looked insane to the people running by to get out of the rain. Levi was deep in thought, staring at drops of rain splashing on the concrete when footsteps and a voice made him look up.

"Why are you sat out in the rain?" Nico asked, concerned about his boyfriend. Levi scoffed slightly, standing up from his seat, standing a distance from Nico.

"Where were you?" Levi's voice was a mixture of upset and anger which Nico noticed, taking a step towards his boyfriend who was shivering slightly.

"I was busy, there was more work than expected " Nico watched Levi as he looked down at the ground sighing,  "Why didn't you go inside?"

"Because I don't break my promises," Levi blurted out, staring straight at Nico. "We said we'd meet here, I kept to that." Levi loved Nico but he felt that he sometimes got left out or forgotten over work that Nico was doing, that he was putting more work in then Nico was.

"It's not my fault I was working, I can't just leave when I have patients," Nico started to become defensive.

"You could have told me!" Levi raised his voice.

"How? I haven't seen you all day," Nico said like it was obvious that he couldn't let Levi know he was too busy to meet.

"You could have called me, found anyone to come and tell me instead of making me wait for over an hour!" Levi was angry, he felt hurt.

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