Everything but you.

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As Levi got ready for work, standing in front of the mirror adjusting his hair, the words of the previous day rang through his head. 'That's why I haven't told them' Nico had said, Levi had originally thought that Nico's parents just didn't know about him and that was something they could work through but when Nico stated that his parents didn't know about him being gay, Levi was confused and hurt. How could Nico given Levi all that hassle when they first got together about coming out when he wasn't even out himself to his parents? Levi began to think that he wasn't good enough for Nico, that he wasn't worth coming out for when Levi thought of Nico as godly and everything to him. 

Nico knew that Levi should know, that it wasn't about him or due to him that he wasn't out to his parents, but he hadn't been planning on telling him like this. The news of his parents being in town and that he was going to see them had already put his body into stress mode, knowing that they were going to be asking questions and being critical of everything he had been doing. So when Levi had stated mentioning meeting Nico's parents, everything became overwhelming and it just slipped out. Nico knew by looking at Levi that it had hurt him and he wished he could explain and talk about his feelings as Levi could but he'd always been taught to keep things in and explaining things never came easy for him. 

The two of them hadn't talked since the argument and it was in both of their heads that this had impacted the relationship, could this small thing really have ended the relationship? Levi was unsure whether to try and talk to Nico but the hurt was making him want to stay away, to process what had happened. Nico wanted to explain but every time he thought of explaining his feelings, anxiety would rise and he wanted to get away from that feeling as soon as possible. So neither of them spoke. 

A couple of days had passed and still no words had been exchanged, just distant looks across the ER and one of them walking away when they got too close. At this point, Levi was angry that Nico hadn't tried to explain, that's the least he could do even if the relationship was over but he was also hurting that Nico hadn't tried, that it seemed to end so easy, that he wasn't worth fighting for. Nico had used the past few days trying to work through the overwhelming feelings, thinking of the best way to explain it all to Levi so they could work things out, he didn't want to lose him.

Nico had finally worked up the courage to do so and knew that it was better to tell Levi now rather than wait. Nico took a deep breath as he spotted Levi in the cafeteria, standing with Taryn and chatting as they were on their break. He noticed how they were both smiling and laughing like nothing had happened and the uneasy feeling swarmed his stomach once again but this time, he pushed through it and began walking over to Levi. However, once Levi had spotted Nico purposefully walking over to him, the smile on his face faded, making Nico falter in his step. Just as Nico got close enough to speak, Levi said something to Taryn before quickly turning away. Nico stopped walking and sighed, glancing to Taryn who gave him a glare before following where Levi went. 

Over the day, every time Nico saw Levi, he tried to talk to him and each time Levi walked away or went to do something else. By the end of the day, Nico felt completely defeated and began to wonder if this was some sort of sign that he shouldn't talk to Levi, but his love for Levi made him keep wanting to try. Nico even tried to call Levi but he didn't answer, so he decided to send a text, almost begging Levi to listen to him, asking if they could meet to talk. But there was no reply. 

 Nico woke the next morning, determined to speak to Levi no matter what, he would find a way. All morning there had been warnings of a large storm coming in and Nico knew that would mean the day would be extremely busy and already there had been multiple patients coming in with injuries from falling trees. It reminded Nico of the storm before with Levi, how that day had changed their relationship and it only made him want to try harder to fix it. 

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