I'm fine

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Warning violence, blood, descriptions of wounds.
A/N - maybe some angst ish. I'm better at writing cute shit, to be honest, so I hope this is okay. It's going to be cute but like have parts that are angsty-ish. Also longer than the others.

Levi was finally given a day off from work, allowing him to rest and have a little fun. Nico, however, still had to work but he was insistent that Levi have a break and possibly go out and have fun.

It started with him having many extra hours sleeping than what he usually got when he had to work. This meant he woke up nearly lunch time and with a few texts from Nico wondering what he was up to and was he okay since he wasn't replying.

Levi smiled at the text and replied instantly with 'Just woke up, I'll let you know what I do x'. He knew if he didn't let Nico know what he was doing it would only make him worry.

After Levi spent an hour or so getting up, dressed and cleaning up a bit, he was far too hungry to stay in the house any longer. He wasn't quite sure where he was going to go but Nico's apartment was near the hospital, therefore, there were many shops or restaurants to choose from that were nearby.

Levi eventually decided to grab a Starbucks and then go sit in one of the parks and just read one of the books he had brought with him.

It was a fairly quiet afternoon as Levi enjoyed sitting on a bench with the sun shining on him, light music playing in one ear while his eyes skimmed the page of the book he was reading. Every now and then he would check his phone for a text from Nico and reply if there was one but he knew that his boyfriend was busy.

Levi decided as he was sat on the bench, to send Nico a selfie of him eating and reading so he would know he was okay if he didn't reply. Nico knew that Levi had a habit of getting into his books and not noticing the time or the world around him.

However, as Levi was just about to start reading his book again, a shouting voice caught his attention. He looked up just in general curiosity even though the voice was none of his business.

His eyes fell on a male and a younger female that were not too far from him, clearly having an argument over something. Levi decided it was none of his business and went back to his book. The young female's voice pulled him away from it again as she spoke to the male. It wasn't that she was shouting but because it sounded like she was terrified over something and Levi didn't like the sound of it.

He pulled his earphone out and placed his phone in his bag, along with his book. He listened in carefully on the conversation, slowly becoming worried about the situation he was witnessing.

He heard the young female say something along the lines of being pregnant before the male erupted in shouting. By studying the situation, Levi could tell that the female was on the young side, maybe too young and that the male was clearly not happy and was getting violent.

Levi looked around to see if anyone else was paying attention to them but no one else seemed to notice or care. Was anyone going to stop this?

Fortunately yes, unfortunately, it was Levi that did. The male pushed the female over, kicking her in the stomach and this made anger rise in Levi. Before he even realised what he was doing, he was already standing between the two of them, the women still on the floor and the man glaring down at Levi. He knew this was the wrong decision.

"Get out my way, this is none of your business," The extremely tall and buff man growled down at Levi. It was difficult to stay standing there but he knew if he left the women would only get hurt more.

"No!" Levi's voice sounded like a mouse compared to the guy's voice which didn't help in his confidence in helping with women. Before Levi was even able to get another word out, he was thrown to the side by the guy. Levi tumbled and hit the ground, wincing slightly as he heard another kick hitting the women.

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