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a/n: this chap gonna be interesting.... hehe


× r e a l  l o v e ? ×

<back to y/n's pov>

I woke up in my bed. I was wondering how i ended up in here until i realised somebody was hugging me.

It was....


How did he know i fainted? Oh well he probably figured it out... I'm sorry joonie for troubling you..

"uhhh........ i love you y/n"

wait what? joonie loves me? "joonie, you awake?" I got no reply.. I guess he's still asleep. I'll ask him when he wakes up then. Since i woke up, i went to freshen up and went downstairs to cook breakfast for the two of us. That's kinda of a way i could always thank joon for what he did for me.

As i was cooking. I kept thinking about what joon said in his sleep. He loves me? What does he mean? Honestly, i did like joon a little, he was there to advice me with the jin situation, he was happy when i was happy, he was sad when i was sad, he basically was there in every single situation helping me get back up and cheering me on. He didn't care about how i looked. He was there for me at my lowest and at my best. I'm glad to have him. He gave the best of him to me..

Nah can't happen lol we've been friends since we were in secondary school. He doesn't see me that way.

But Jin didn't like me to be honest, i knew it. I thought of giving joon a chance if he ever asked. I knew jin was joon's bestfriend, but he can't control joon's life in any way.

I stopped what i was doing for awhile.

I like joon...


I honestly don't know what to do anymore, if he asks, i hope i make the right decision.

I then felt arms wrapped around my waist. Okay don't freak out, it's pretty normal between us haha. But it usually happens only when we're alone. "yah joon ah let me go i need cooooook!!" "how about no? What will you do?" he smirked. I turned around and lightly punched him "back off" "okay okay fine i surrender... for now" he said as he slowly backed away. Haha what a cutie.

~time skip to when cooking finished~

As i placed the hot plates of delicious scrambled eggs and bacon, "there, enjoy your food" "haha i will thank you for the food!!"

After we ate finish, "uhmm joon?" "yea?" "I need to ask you something" "go ahead" "did you say you love me in your sleep?" I knew it, wrong move, damn now it's gonna be awkward.

".... uhm did i really say that?" "uh no HAHAHA wanted to prank you HAHA" I started running away "catch me if you can!!" we ran around like little kids. He finally caught me and tickled me. "yah y/n ah, i have something to tell you.." "sure what is it" i said as we took deep breathes after running for so long. "y/n i like you"

<namjoon's pov>

she asked me if I said i love her in my sleep... oh oh oh no SHIT joon you are so careless... ".... uhm did i really say that?" i wanted to check, please pray she didn't hear it. Pleasepleaseplease tell me she didn't hear it. "uh no HAHAHA wanted to prank you HAHA" She started running away "catch me if you can!!"

After i finally caught her and tickled her, "yah y/n ah, i have something to tell you.." "sure what is it" i took in a deep breathe "y/n i like you". Omg i just confessed what would she think...

<back to y/n's pov>

I was shook. I didn't know what to say. "honestly y/n i like you for so many things, you're kind, caring, you put yourself before others and honestly you make me so happy everytime i see you. I just don't like it when you're sad, because I'm sad too. Will you be my girlfriend? I don't expect a yes or even an answer now but i just hope you would know what to do" "joon..." I started crying.. "i didnt know you thought that, but why? I'm just a failure to everybody" i said as most tears came down. I hugged him. "yes" "huh.. What?" "yes to your proposal!" he smiled so brightly and hugged me back.

I dried up my tears and suddenly he was on top of me, our faces were so close to each other... Just then,

the doorbell rang.

a/n: henlo double update cus i got more ideas and honestly thank you so much for 100 READS!! Im so grateful, thank you for all the support :) 🙏🏻💯😔😌💜💜💜💜 sorry to ruin your hopes and dreams of y/n and jin, just wait ;)

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