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Valentine's day. 14 February, man I'm always so excited for this day but every year there's always no one lol, but seeing people get their valentine makes me happy.

Namjoon told me he would probably confess to raena today, well that's cute, i wonder how's he's gonna do it.

I went to my locker to grab my books for the first 3 periods and when I opened it, a note fell out.

I opened it, it said "happy valentine's day, hope you enjoy these presents, if you are willing to, meet me after school at the rooftop? There's something I would like to say

-secret admirer"

I then looked in my locker and found a bouquet of roses with cute little disney characters on the top and a box of my favourite chocolates.

This person really knows what I like hm? But damn, roses are expensive, he must be rich, oof

~time skip to after school~

I was excited. I was nervous. I didn't know what to do. Should I even go? What if it's a prank?

I went anyway, not thinking much about it, if it's a prank I'll just shake it off.

As I was climbing the stairs, I saw army gang, well they never told me anything about going home together, i called out to them but they didn't hear me i guess, before I could even run to them, they ran up the stairs, laughing away. How great, guess I'm not important.

Before I reached the top, I was suddenly blindfolded and I panicked. The person had a strong grip on me and then the blindfold was taken off when we finally reached.

I first saw the fairy lights hung over the bench and a table was set up with food on it, music was playing and damn, it was really romantic as we could see the night view from there.

I saw the person standing in front of me, but i don't know who it is, then he finally turned around...


He's the one...?

All this while.. I thought he would never have thought of me like that...

"hey.." he said as he walked to me shyly, rubbing his neck, i could see his ears turning red

I started to blush, it was so romantic and how I would have wanted it to happen. Man is this real?

"hey" I said as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear

"so you were the one? wow.."

"haha yea, do you- do you like it?"

"i love it, thank you"

we sat down and ate dinner together, we had black pepper steak with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. Man it was so good and delicious.

"Did you cook this? It's really delicious"

"You think so? Well haha thank you, i borrowed the kitchen in our canteen to cook it" he was blushing. What a cutie.

"Y/n, you know why I called you here right?"

"well I guess but tell it to me, so i can prove to myself I'm not thinking wrongly"

"well okay"

a/n: you can play serendipity starting from here if you want to, it gets you in the mood :)

He brought me up from my seat and kissed me right there and then. I felt my heart stop, like it skipped so many beats. It was pure euphoria. I kissed him back, the kiss was passionate and sweet. I never ever want it to end.

"Ok y/n listen, I know it may sound crazy and long but I've liked you for a long time now, even before you got together with namjoon I already liked you, I just didn't want to let you know because I thought you didn't feel the same, but then namjoon and you broke up and he told me everything, you are already hurting so much, I can't bear to see you like this, my heart breaks into pieces, but after you guys broke up, he told me one thing: to go after you, he already knew we both liked each other so I finally got the courage to ask you this question after a long time, I really just want to make you the happiest girl in the world when you are with me, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings before, I just didn't know what to do, and ended up hurting you in the process, y/n I'm really sorry, I will do my very best to make you happy everyday and be there for you no matter what, so will you be my girlfri-"

I cut him off with a kiss, a sweet and deep one, one that shows how much i love him. He was shocked at first, but then slowly got used to it.

"I definitely will."

"you will what?"

"Be your girlfriend dumbass"

"oh.. ohh OH OH REALLY?!? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He jumped up in excitement and happiness and brought me into a hug, followed by a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you y/n"

"i love you too"

we said as we stared into each other's eyes lovingly, not wanting to look anywhere else, with serendipity playing in the background, a cool breeze blowing over and ending off with me leaning onto his chest and hugging him.

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