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You stand there shaken to the core of the discovery before you. Dragons were coming out of the Eclipse Machine and were about to destroy the town.

"You idiots!! You should've closed the gates!!" You scream. "Mom!" You hear your Daughter Aiko's voice behind you.

"Aiko I told you to stay with your dad! WATCH OUT!" You push her out the way as a dragon begins to roar. It pierced you eardrums as you hold onto your daughter.

"Woah!" She screams as you both tumble into a bush due to the dragons windy breathe. It stops and continues walking.

"I do not miss Solaris' Roar sometimes..." you shake your head. "Are those the dragons were supposed to fight?" Aiko asks helping you up.

"Yes but this all could've been avoided if people weren't so naive." You match your way towards the princess. "Back off from the princess!" A guard gets in front of you. "Mom chill out." Aiko holds you back.

"They're right (Y/N) fighting isn't gonna solve that problem, Yukino and I will close the gate, you just help everyone in fighting those Dragons." Lucy puts a hand on your shoulder.

You sigh and rolls your eyes, "Fine, but this isn't over!" You start running with Aiko and Rocky.

"I can't believe Laxus even let you come after me." You say running next to her. "He didn't I sorta just spread my wings and took off." Aiko giggles.

"Your so like me..." you sigh.

"Do you have any clue who's behind this?" Rocky asks as he flys above.

"Not one clue...but the princess did say it was someone from the future." You think.

A certain smell hits the air and it feels a little to familiar. "Who's there?!" You stop running.

Aiko stops as well and gives you a weird look. It gets quiet.

"Mom what- AH!" A shadow engulfs her making Aiko disappear. "Aiko!" You shout.

She reappears coughing and hacking. You go to her side immediately. "Rouge!" She wheezes out.

You look up to see a different looking Rouge staring at you both. "So I assume it's you who used the Eclipse." You cross your arms.

"Correct..." He smirks.

"Mom go..." Aiko whispers. "Stop talking like that I'm taking him down." You say starting to get up. "No..trust me I got this...your a dragon slayer..the town needs you to take those overgrown lizards down." Aiko chuckles.

You stare at her for a bit and smile. "You really are growing up..I'm trusting you!" You hold onto Rocky and see her off.

Rocky flies you at top speed, you see a light purple dragon terrorizing some guilds from the Grand Magic Games. "Down there Rocky!"

He lets you go.

You put your hair up in a ponytail and a face of determination sets on your face. The dragon roars making you wince.

"What's wrong little girl? Afraid of a little noise??"

The purple dragon takes a jab at you. "Solar Dragon Roar!!" You say your spell hitting it right in the nose.

It smirks like is hasn't even been touched.

You were in for it now.


Aiko's POV

I stand face to face with a much more powerful and darker Rouge. That shadow showed me a much darker side of him than I wanted to see. All I felt was sadness and pain.

"You look more beautiful than I remember Aiko..." he says taking my hand. I blush a little bit but quickly get myself together.

I step back a little with caution. "Why are you doing this...what happened to you...." I look at him.

"Much more than you can even imagine." He let's go of my hand.

"And why are you so touchy with me?" I stare at him by his gestures. "Because you were my wife Aiko...in the future."

My eyes widen.

I'm left speechless by his words I almost pass out. Me? And Rouge?! What did my future self do?!

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now