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Aiko's POV

I run towards the Eclipse project at full speed not stopping for one second. There's chaos everywhere, rubble falling from the buildings, little dragon minions everywhere, mages falling one by one. I never felt so scared in my life I haven't seen Mom or Dad for quite a while and it's scaring me.

"Come on! Where is everyone?!" I shout cutting every corner. I slam right into someone hitting the ground hard.

"Ow!" I shake my head looking to see ironically Rouge. "Aiko you okay?" He comes to me quickly pulling me up. I reject his hand and back away from him. "Don't touch me! You did this..." I back away slowly.

"Aiko just calm down and talk to me." He comes towards me slowly as I continue to back up. "Dude did you find her? Because we have company!" Sting comes around the corner and a huge rumble after him.

I look up to see 2 dragons after him. I scream as Rouge takes me out the way holding me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist shutting my eyes tightly.

"We were told to leave Rouge and Aiko alone!"

One of the dragons seems to bicker with the other.

I take notice I'm still close to Rouge, I let go of him quickly and cough awkwardly backing up. His face was neutral like this was normal.

"Come on and fight is you lizards!" Sting taunts them. "Sting shut your mouth!" I wack his head.

"This one is ticking me off!" The dragons begins to rev up an attack with his arm. "Look what you did Sting!" Rouge begins to argue with Sting.

"Both of you shut-!" I never finish my sentence. Next thing I know I'm being flung in the air blood rushes from my head. My blonde bangs cover my face hiding my lifeless eyes. My body feels like jelly as I hit the ground the last thing I hear is a loud shout.

"AIKO!!!!~" Rouge and Sting shout. All I see is white.


Your POV

"Solar Dragon Roar!" I hit the purple dragon with all my might. With Wendy's boost my powers slowly comeback.

Laxus is right beside me fighting his best.

"Your Weak."

The dragon says in a monotone. "And your old!" I bicker back at him.

" (Y/N) focus!" Laxus yells at you.

"Not the time Laxus!!" You yell back at him. You send a wave of power to your enemy pushing him back slightly but still no damage.

"You need to focus or you'll lose your life!!"

"Don't you think I know that?!"

"You two stop we have 2 dragons to defeat idiots!!" Wendy yells at both of you. You both shut your mouths.

The Jade dragon takes you in his arms his grip was strong. "Get off!" You struggle.

"She's especially seems tasty!"

"What does he mean by that?!" You scream. Laxus sends a lighting strike to the Jade dragon he lets me go, Rocky catches me in time. "I can always count on you buddy."

"That's why I'm here!"

You hear a growl the purple dragon is back and he begins to roar. "My ears!!"

"(Y/N) I'm losing balance!!" You both fall hitting the ground. Rocky lands on your back.

"Ow that hurt." You get up regaining balance. Laxus helps you up hugging you.

"I told you you have to focus dummy."

I thump his head giggling a little, "Yeah okay your right..happy?"


"All this lovey dovey crap is annoying."

"Not so fast!!" Wendy shouts. "Sky dragon Roar!!"

Her attack hits him right in the nose sending him backwards. "Good Job Wendy!" You give her a high five.

A little celebration too soon..a growl is heard. The Jade dragon comes back at full force. You stand there too shock to even notice Laxus come in front of you and Wendy.

"Laxus what are you doing?!" You scream.

"Get out of here and save yourselves!" He yells back at you, he spreads his arms to block you all. "Laxus don't be stupid!!" You run over to him. You wrap your arms around him not letting him go.

"(Y/N) please.."

"No you said were in this together and that's how we're going out!" Some tears spill out your eyes.

You feel the Jade dragon get closer and the purple dragon revs up another attack.

"Together..." he holds your arm to his heart.


Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now