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(This is kinda what I imagine Aiko to look like sometimes)—————

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(This is kinda what I imagine Aiko to look like sometimes)

The next few days were quite chill. Aiko seemed to be going back to her old self and the guild became brand new! Laxus planned to take you out on a date later that evening so you and Aiko decided to do some shopping. Rocky decided to hang out at the guild to help around the bar and stuff.

"It's still so lively after the games." You say browsing the clothes on the rack.

"Uh huh..." Aiko responds unenthusiastically, she standing up with her arms crossed looking at the people passing by. She was still acting weird but not as weird as before, she just seemed to be more in a mood all the time. You sigh and decide to do something nice for her.

You go into the back of the store and pick out 2 outfits for her. You shove the clothing in her arms. "Hey! Mom what are-"

You start to shove her into the changing room, "I don't want to hear it just try it on."

A few moments later she comes out in one of the outfits you picked for her.

A few moments later she comes out in one of the outfits you picked for her

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"This could be your new everyday style you know..." you give her a thumbs up. She sighs and goes back into the changing room.

While waiting for her you spot a cute dress, Laxus said something flowy and decent so this was absolutely perfect. Aiko comes out in the dress you picked out for her.

 Aiko comes out in the dress you picked out for her

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"Aiko it's so you.." you fix her hair in the mirror. She pouts and looks away, "Fine we can get them. I see you found your dress so can we leave?" She sounded so dead inside like she didn't even want to be around you.

"Yes Aiko..." You sigh and take everything up to the register. Aiko decided to stay in the dress because she didn't feel like changing.

"Omg you two were in the grand magic games for fairy tail right?" The cashier says.

"Yes that'll be us." You smiled.

"Those outfits are on the house enjoy them!" The cashier says waving at you two. "Oh thank you!" You say walking out the store with Aiko.

You see a familiar face across the street, it was Rouge with Sting. Aiko seemed to notice too because her whole demeanor changed it seemed to get more hostile and nervous. "Aiko."

You hold her hand, she's tense but calming down. "Calm down."

You let go of her hand and walk up to Rouge and Sting. "Mom what are you doing stop!"

"Shhh I got this." You wink at her.

Her face goes white and she looks like she's about to pass out. She mutters to herself, "I'm going to die today is really the day..."

Rouge and Sting were chatting and once they noticed you they stopped what they were doing. "Hi Sting And Rouge, I'm (Y/N)." You introduce yourself.

"So I guess it is true you are Aiko's mom." Rouge rubs the back of his neck.

"Yep...speaking of which I kinda have to ask you something Rouge." You say looking at him intently.

"I'll just go over here and wait for you." Sting walls off to a good stand.

"Aiko has been kinda down and distant lately and I have no clue why." You say.

"And why are you asking me? She hates me." Rouge sighs. You try not to laugh but a little giggle comes out.

"What so funny?" He looks at you confused on why your laughing. "I'm sorry but both of you are dense."

"What does that mean?"

"Anyways Rouge you must do this one thing for me. And it's going to help you in the process." Thinking about your plan just makes you smile.

"What is it?" He asks.


Aiko's POV

They've been taking for a little too long and it's making me nervous. "What is this lady doing!?" I whisper to myself. I start tapping my foot with my new shoes.

I see Rouges face go into shock, this just makes me even more nervous as humiliated than I was before. It's could be anything, anything at all!

Mom begins to walk off somewhere and Rouge is coming straight for me.


"Aiko before you say anything just hear me out." He interrupts me. I stay quiet and wait for him to continue.

"Aiko go on a date with me."


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