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——————(I'm like sick asf ,what's new? so sorry if this chapter is kinda short and meh)

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(I'm like sick asf ,what's new? so sorry if this chapter is kinda short and meh)

It was night time, you sat on your couch watching the gentle night breeze pass by. You had a candle lit on the coffee table and some nice warm tea as well. Rocky was already sleep in your room on his little bed, something about sleeping early makes his fur shimmery or something. You calmed down from todays events that still have you a little shaken up.

The door knob was starting to turn and your two favorite people walked in. Aiko looked exhausted and Laxus had some static around him.

"How was the job?" You stifle a giggle at their faces. "Never...again..." Aiko sits next to you shaking her head. "We will talk about it tomorrow.." Laxus gives you a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you all eat?" You asks hoping to not have to make anything. "Yeah we ate on the way here." Aiko sighs rubbing out a kink in her neck. "It seems you two had fun." You giggle quietly to not make Aiko and Laxus mad.

"Why don't we talk about something else?" Laxus takes the single lazy boy chair. "Oh now that we're all here I want mom to tell the story on how she kept me a secret." Aiko suddenly blurts out.

You choke on your tea, coughing and spitting it everywhere.

"Jeez Aiko that was so sudden." You wipe your mouth. "I'm still curious too (Y/N)." Laxus wiggles his eyebrows.

"Okay...well Laxus and I were still young I was 15 and he was 15 as well we were at the cathedral, I went on my first job with Laxus it was so much adrenaline that I had to calm down by going down to cathedral." You start.

"Don't tell me you guys did it in a church" Aiko looks disgusted. "No!" You raise your voice blushing, you hear Laxus snicker.

"We kisses and then we went to the woods and...did stuff. Now for the past 4 weeks since that incident I started feeling weird and weaker." You continue. "Take note me and your mother were having some problems in our relationship." Laxus adds in.

"Yeah we were, I went to the doctor and turns out I was carrying you. I was shocked since I was so young, me being selfish and scared I made up a 9 month job." You say sighing.

Laxus ear's seemed to perk up, you continue the story, "So when I told Laxus he was furious, and we were somehow still together, so I said my goodbyes to everyone and left. I made a little house just a bit outside Hargeon, that's when I met Daisy and Takashi. Rocky was there with me for everything. 8 more months later my birthday passed and then 3 weeks later you were born." You pat Aiko's head.

"Can't believe you managed to keep her a secret for song long." Laxus crosses his arms thinking. "So were you two okay?" Aiko looks at both of you.

"Um no...our relationship was weird, it was like we were together but just not at the same time. We hated each other but I managed to keep the relationship together it was just toxic." You say taking a sip of tea.

"Okay time for bed." Laxus claps his hands twice. "Oh come on dad!" Aiko whines.
"You had a rough day, come on." Laxus raises his eyebrow at her.

"Fine...goodnight." Aiko kisses your cheek then Laxus' and she walks to her room. Laxus sits next to you.

"You went through all that just to protect her." Laxus asks. "Yes it was selfish but look how it all worked out." You smile trying to change the subject.

"That's not how it works (Y/N)..." He gets up to leave.

"Are you really mad at me?" You stand up. "Laxus we went over this I'm sorry." You don't understand why he's upset now, you thought you were all past this.

"I'm not mad (Y/N)...I'm just sad I missed almost all her life." With that he leaves you confused and hurt.

You slam the door and flop on your bed. You don't even know what you did or why he was hurt.

"Your so complicated Laxus Dreyar."

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