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Aiko supports your body weight as you all walk through the halls of Tartaros. "Why does the place look...so....fleshy?!" Aiko asks looking around. "Looks like we missed some party while fighting the siblings." You say chuckling.

"It also seems kind of wet..." Aiko takes a closer look at the surroundings. "We must've been in some type of barrier while fighting..." you say trying not lean all your weight on Aiko.

You pause and smell the air. "Laxus?" You say gasping. "Wait dad is here?" Aiko says surprised. "He was more banged up than me!" Aiko says holding onto you tighter.

"Aiko he's over there- Ah!" You say releasing from her grasp as you try to run. You fall straight to the ground. "Mom calm down!" She picks you back up and your all headed towards where Laxus is.

When you both made it, he was in the middle of a battle with a huge man with fur. "Aiko! Y/N!" Gajeel says as he helps Aiko with you. You see, Natsu, Levy, Lucy, and Juvia on the ground. You wrap your other arm around his shoulder and they both place you on the floor near a rock.

"Has everyone been wiped out?" Aiko asks looking around at Natsu, Lucy, Levy, and Juvia on the ground.

"Where the hell did Laxus even come from?!" You say not paying attention to them. "We have to help him!" You say about to jump up.

Aiko and Gajeel grab your arms and sit you back down. "Woah Y/N! Your in no shape or form to fight that guy!" Gajeel says.

"Mom he's right...we barely defeated Yumi and Nathan!" Aiko says. You cross your arms and sigh worriedly. "I get that your worried but we have to trust dad." Aiko says. "I'm going to check for anyone else here." Aiko says standing up.

"Like hell you are!" You say. You try to get up again but the clash of Laxus and this guy was fighting brought you back down.

"Don't worry Aiko, I'll watch Y/N for you." He says chuckling.

"I'm not a kid!" You say protesting.

"Great!" Aiko then runs off into the distance. "Don't y'all like I'm not here! Aiko come back! Oh what's the point she's already gone." You sigh.

You look up at Laxus fighting this demon. He looks weak and frail, he was breathing heavily and even worse than when you saw him lying in bed with the other members of thunder legion.


He slowly turns his head and looks at you, dark blood spewing from his mouth. You gasp slightly, was he okay??

He was sent back into a wall with the demon's wind power, the impact also blew you and Gajeel some distance.

You hit the ground hard on your injection site and twisted ankle. "Damn it..." you say holding onto a rock near by.

You look up to see Laxus losing power slowly by the minute. He was buried under a pile of rocks as the demon comes closer to him.

"I'm ready to give you a fitting end!" The demon says to him.

"LAXUS NO!!" You give out a piercing scream wanting to help but you couldn't and Gajeel wasn't well enough to fight either. 

You've never felt so weak in that moment, tears sting your eyes as you try to drag yourself towards him. You didn't want to see him die knowing you two weren't speaking, it would crush you. "Laxus get up, please...." your body was at its limit. Your hand reaches out for him one last time and you suddenly lay your head down breathing hard.

You felt lighting surge through the air, by whatever power he had left, he punched the demon into no tomorrow.

"Laxus..." you softly say as you get up to see him throw his coat at Gajeel. "Give it to the old hag to use it for the antidote." He says as he comes crashing down.

Your body reacts instantly, you pull up the last of your strength and make it over to him. "Y/N..." he says weakly. "Why are you crying?" He wipes away your tear with a weak arm.

"You scared me you idiot!!" You cover your face over his chest officially breaking down. You feel his hand pat your hair comforting you. "I would never leave you Y/N you know that." He say chuckling slightly.

You lift your head to look up at him and smile. "I wanted to ask you something....take the box out of my pocket." He says. You look confused but you reach in his pocket anyways. It was just a small box, why was this so important at a time like this.

"You can open this till later..now you and Gajeel have to go." He says holding your cheek as you stared at him wide eyed.

"No you idiot your coming with us! We have to find Aiko, and your dumbass should be in bed resting!" You pull him up with the help of Gajeel. Your leg hurt like hell but you bit through the pain.

A swirl of power come from in front of you and demon is suddenly back. "No way..." Gajeel says shocked and confused.

You and Laxus both have a look of shocked on your faces. "How the hell is he back?" You say shaking a little.

"We demons have a resurrecting curse that can bring  us back. Prepare to meet your fate." The demon says answering your question.

"Not quite..." Laxus says smirking. You follow his line of sight and see water and lighting around the demon.

"He was going to use the rest of his power to save us?!" You think to yourself.

The lighting and water mix bringing the demon down once again. With that, Laxus falls to the ground sending you to land on top of him. "Laxus? No no no!" You shake him slightly.

"Good work humans...but now I take you all with me, breathe in my particles and face death!" The demon says on the ground.

But suddenly you feel a familiar presence, but only stronger. "Gray?" You gasp.

You turn around to see him with a dark ink like power in his arm. He seemed cooler. You were barely listening to what they were saying as gray walked off.

You look back at a weak Laxus and smiled slightly, then your mind wandered to Aiko...

"Please be safe...." you say holding the little box Laxus gave you, whatever what was inside it was important.

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now