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Your eyes slowly awaken, your whole body felt like jelly mixed with cement. "Oh what the hell?" Your still trying to get yourself together by feeling on ground, it was like old stone.

Everything was dark but not too dark to where you couldn't see. You notice your white outfit was semi ripped and a needle was still on your thigh, no...more like an IV wrapped in some
sort of magic wrap. "They could've at least asked my consent first." You chuckle to yourself. You couldn't see what the IV was dripping into you but it did make you feel nauseous.

"Wait where's Rocky?" You think to yourself. "Rocky!" You call out, and slap around the ground hitting something soft. "OW!" Rocky's voice yells. "Oh there you are!" You hug him close, your IV cord keeps slapping his face.

"(Y/N) what is this? And where are we?" He asks getting out of your grip. "I have no clue...all I remember is someone knocking me out." You look around to try and see some escape route.

The quiet air is then ruined by the creaking of a heavy door opening. Light shines in the room you and Rocky are in. "Oh good your awake! Brother!!!" A very curvy girl bounces up and down, she has short orange hair and a doll like black dress on with a black headband on. Her stockings were ripped and her thighs seemed to press into the stockings.

"Who the hell-" you begin to say but she shushes you. "They are awake how lovely!" A boy with the same shade of orange hair comes in with a white suit and glasses.

"Brother are we gonna do the thing Father asked?!?!" The girl seems overjoyed. "Not now dummy now listen to your big brother!!" The boy seemed annoyed.

"Are these our kidnappers or a comedy act...." Rocky whispers. "Both?" You say. You head gives you a sharp pain. "Ah!"

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Rocky holds your head in his little paws. "Oh she won't be she'll be ours soon. As you can see from her little IV there." The boy crosses his arms and girl is seen giggling right next to him.

"Who are you!" Rocky yells at them. Your trying so hard to pay attention but this pain in your head is absolutely killing you. "We're the Victor siblings! I'm Yumi and this is my big brother Nathan!" Yumi throws glitter in the air.

"What the hell did you do to me!!! OW!" You try to run attack them but mid way your head gives another sharp pain. "Poor (Y/N).." Yumi shakes her head and tsk's.

"If you must know we are regular wizards we don't deal with magic we deal with curses." Nathan begins to explain as he pushes his glasses up. "I don't care if your circus clowns where are we and what are you doing to me?!" You attempt to get up by holding yourself up on the wall.

"We're in the Cube of the Tartaros guild. And that in your thigh is one of my experiments. I have an idea what it does and if my calculations are correct we should see results soon." Nathan says with a sly smirk.

"Is it me or is it extremely hot?" You say panting. It felt like your whole body was on fire, sweat fell like a waterfall from almost every inch of your body. "Might be one of the side effects...anyways we'll be back." Nathan walks off into the light of the hallway.

"By the way....that hunk of a boyfriend and daughter you got really put up a fight with one of our members. Let's hope they make it!" Yumi giggles and slams the door.

"What did you assholes do to them!" You scream. You try and pull the IV out but as soon as you try and touch the rapping it shocks you. "Oh god damn it!" You fall back down trying to catch your breath.

"(Y/N) calm down! Before you really hurt yourself!" Rocky pets your head to try and smooth you. "Rocky it's hot..." you began to whine.

"I mean it's just us so I guess you can take your outer level off.." Rocky turns around to give you some privacy.

"Thanks buddy.." you take off the one piece, you had your bra and some air flow shorts on, you also took off your shoes. It was still guns a blazing hot but you still felt a little better.

"There's gotta be a way outta here and some way to take this off." You say putting your hair up in a pony tail with an old hair tie.  The more this IV was in you the more worried you got, whatever Nathan said about it happening soon scared you senseless. "I'm worried about Aiko and Laxus, Rocky we need to get out." You look at the wrap again.

"Oh no (Y/N) your not ripping that thing out!" Rocky crosses his arms. "Rocky I'm sorry..." You kick him to the wall near you and holding him there. "(Y/N) I dont wanna see you die!" Rocky screams at the top of his lungs. You take a deep breath and begin to pull at the cursed wrap. A shocking pain immediately shoots up your whole body.

All you can do is scream and keep pulling. Rocky's sobs were filled in the background,this was probably the hardest thing he had to see but you can't just sit there and let whatever is going inside you do whatever.

It seemed like forever but you finally get the wrap off. It showed a pouch filled with black liquid, you take out the needle crying. "There..." you breath in and out. You let your foot down from Rocky and he immediately goes over to you.

"Hey stay with me we're getting outta here!" Rocky pats your face and wipe your tears. "Sorry buddy..." you take the needle and unlock your chains. With you and Rocky now free you make a break for the door.

You don't get far because Yumi and Nathan are right there. "Damn it! Solar Dragon-"

"(Y/N) stop." Yumi says.

You suddenly stop. "(Y/N) what are you doing?! Attack her!" Rocky looks at you bewildered. "I don't know!" You says panicked.

"Time for you to awake now." Nathan says with an evil smirk.

The world goes silent and black. It was like you were dreaming but you were still there. You close your eyes and open them again.

You see nothing but darkness, it was like you were swimming. "Where?" You say. It echoes it was just you.

You notice you had some sort of breezy and flowy two piece on. "Where am I??"


"Now (Y/N)....get ride of the cat." Yumi giggles.

"What?! What did you do to her?!" Rocky screams.

You turn around staring directly at Rocky. Your eyes weren't yours..they were purple and the whites of your eyes were black. Your teeth became a little sharper and scales were suddenly on your cheeks.

"(Y/N) what are you?"

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now