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Aiko's POV

I wake up breathing heavily and coughing. "Oh what the hell..." I rub my head and get myself together. I look down and notice my top half is wrapped up and I feel extremely sore. My hair was down and it felt like a mess. I look around me and see; dad, evergreen, freed, and bickslow. They all looked like pure hell, they had dark circles under their eyes. I get up slowly and painfully, I looked down to see I had some pj pants on. "Wonder who changed those.." I say but my voice comes out hoarse and I start coughing like I smoke cigarettes.

I look in the mirror and see that I have bags under my eyes too. I look just as equally bad as everyone else. "What happened.."

Then it comes back to me. The cafe..the stranger...the poisoned air particles.  My body felt weak, I could barely stand anymore I had to flop back on the bed.

"Aiko your up." I hear Mirajane's voice, she quickly comes over and helps me back into bed. "You should be resting.." she says.

"Where's mom?" I ask her as she tucks me back in. "We..don't know, we went looking for her to tell you about what happened to you but all we found was her bag and one of Rocky's bow ties." She sighs.

"We have to go look for them now!" I try to fight out of it but Mira pushes me back down. "Aiko you almost died! But thanks to your father your alive.."

I look over to see Dad's ragged breathing and his forehead sweating. "I don't know how does it." I chuckle weakly.

"Me either....it's funny...him and your mom were the cutest as kids. It was such a relief when they finally got together." Mira giggles at the thought. "They really have a weird relationship. You never know if they hate each other or love each other everyday." I say.

"Well their relationship was a little unsteady....I guess when (Y/N) was pregnant it added stress plus she was hiding it...an after your grandfather was kicked out Laxus wasn't too nice to everyone including your mom." Mira reminisces. "But, one thing I do know is that even when they broke up I knew they would get back together, their love is strong."

I look back over at dad and smile. On these past few jobs, even though he was mad at her he would always talk about mom. "He has such a soft spot for her." I say chuckling a little.

"Well I'll let you rest, we're gonna find your mom and stop this threat." With that Mirajane leaves and closes the door.  "I'm not going to sit here and wait." I throw the blanket off and swing my legs over the bed. I grab onto the wall to steady myself. "Aiko..." I hear a sore voice call out for me. It was Freed, I grab onto the wall the best I could to make my way over him. "Freed....what happened to us?" I ask him.

"You passed out before everything, it all happened so fast..you Dad is truly amazing, he saved us all." Freed coughs. He looks terrible, I hold his hand and look at the rest of the thunder legion. "Go find your mom...for him. We all know he's going to wake up and try to look for her." Freed chuckles.

"Thank you for being his friend Freed." I say. I walk to the door and slowly open it. I found my blue outfit, brown boots, and my scrunchy on a near by table. My ring was still on my finger, I hold onto it. "Jennie give me the strength..."

I pull my hair up and open the window. I jump down and spread my wings. "Mom I'm coming for you!"


Your POV

You weren't yourself. It's like someone took over your body.

"(Y/N) it's me Rocky!!" Rocky slowly backs up from you. "Attack!" Yumi shouts at you. You jump to tackle Rocky. He jumps out the way quickly and takes off down the hallway.  I try to fight it but I run after him. The chase comes to an immediate stop, you grab his tail and pin him down. You scream a devil like scream into his face, Rocky looks absolutely terrified. "Good Job (Y/N)!!" Yumi jumps up and down excited.

"The curse seemed to enhance her abilities." Nathan took some notes. "Let kill the cat come on brother!!" Yumi bends down to look at Rocky.

"(Y/N) what did they do to you..." Rocky whines. "Let's just put him with the Pink one and the girl." Nathan sighs.

"Ugh fine." Yumi says getting back up. You pick Rocky up and put the cuffs on him. Nathan, Yumi, and you walk to a cell. "Nastu And Lisanna!"

"(Y/N) your alive!" Natsu says. You don't respond. "Oh your little friend won't be help you right now she's a little...occupied." Nathan says smirking. You throw Rocky in the cell. He lands on Lisanna's lap. "(Y/N) what the hell?" Lisanna yells out to you.

"What did they do to you? It doesn't even smell like her!" Natsu says. "Don't worry fire head it will all be over soon." Yumi shuts the cell. And you all walk off. You mind screams at you to go back and save them, but your body is still fighting to follow the siblings commands.

"This is nice Nathan! We finally have a pet and she's a dragon slayer! This is just all too good." Yumi scratches under chin like a dog. "You disgusting little bitc-"

You feel a familiar presence come into the atmosphere. "No why is she HERE!"

"She has a reaction...it seems her young one is here." Nathan turns towards you. "(Y/N)....go hunting." He says.

You don't hesitate, you run through the halls. Your speed was more enhanced and powerful.

Yumi looks at you run with a smirk on her face, "Oh this is gonna be fun..."

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