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Aiko POV
(An Aiko Chapter)

I gasp looking at the same scene being replayed. "Deja Vu'...." I sigh.

"This one is ticking me off!"

"Look what you did Sting!!" I hear Rouge yell again. I notice the dragon swing it's arm down, I move out the way fast, jumping and tackling the twin dragon slayers down.

"Woah do you guys feel like we did this..already?" Sting asks. "I think the universe is giving us another chance," I chuckle slightly getting up. "Well let's not take this second chance for granted!" Rouge powers up and so does Sting. "Let's go!" I shout running towards the dragons in the process of running, I transform into my Angel form. I sprint, jumping into the air taking flight, I pull my bow's string back. "Angel Shot!" I shout aiming at the purple dragon.

I hit it directly on its back making it Roar in pain. I'm glad it did some damage, but it's still not down yet. "Go down you over grown Iguana!!" I fly near it, punching it in the snout with all the Angel strength I trained for.

"Aiko get out of there!" I hear Rouge shout from below fighting the dragon.

"So now you care?!" I don't pay attention to him, I keep taking shot after shot to weaken the dragon.

"Not the time!!" I hear Sting say as he sends an attack towards the blue dragon.

"Aiko I've been caring!" Rouge reply's.

"What after 1 to 2 years?! I was humiliated and wanting for my friends to back me up! So don't play that card Rouge!" I was still angry at them. Rouge, Sting, and I we're unstoppable in Sabertooth. The top tier wizards of the guild, after I was kicked out I moved back in with Daisy and Takashi, I barely slept and ate for weeks.

No one reached out to me and I was alone, then Takashi died, which made things worse. I had to help Daisy go through that while being strong. Then later on Daisy died, I was a wreck just sad and alone. I eventually got on my feet and did jobs for people around the neighborhood. I would see in articles that Sabertooth was striving and becoming the best guild they could be. And the stars were none other than Sting and Rouge. I was supposed to be with them, getting the glory and being the best.

Hell I was probably stronger than both of them combined. Hello?? The only Angel slayer in all of Fiore.

"Aiko Watch Out!"


I feel a person grab my ankle taking me down from the air. Just as I'm pulled down a power ball was sent right where I was floating.

"What did I tell you?! Geez Aiko I cannot lose you again!" Rouge holds on tight to my shoulders, I sit there in shock and confusion.

We sit there in a calm silence, he was breathing in and out heavily. Despite everything going on, you managed to feel at peace with Rouge right by me. His words stung a little too.

I shake my head and get up quickly, "thanks for the save Rouge."

"Alright I'll hold them off, when I give the cue both of you are going to give it all you got." I say turning my bow into its ring state.

"Yes Ma'am!" Sting chuckles and smirks.

I fly up looking at both of the dragons, their snouts heaved out smoke.


"All Love And Light of the universe come to me. Angel Slayer's Godly Power."

"Angel's Testimony!!" My pink hair is taken out of its ponytail style and it's now waving like crazy. Light and A gush of wind is flown upward. My eyes turn a bright white.

This was one of my Godly Powers. It was equivalent to a dragon slayers Secret Arts. I open my arms, two powerful glowing hues are in both of my hands, I clash them together and a beam is sent the dragons way.

It's hits both of them causing major damage! "Rouge! Sting! NOW!" I yell.

The dragon slayers take their shot. Just as it starts it ends.

A huge explosion is heard near the castle , and the dragons begin to disappear.

I fall from the sky landing softly on my knees. I'm back in my human form. "Is it over?" I ask out of breath and magic.

"I think...we did it " Rouge looks around at the town. Every little minion dragon was gone and the big dragons were disappearing. "Whatever that explosion was must've caused that." Sting says holding his shoulder.

"Aiko that was intense." Rouge says. I turn around to look at him. "Your powers are incredible that was so much magic energy to pass a damn Wizard Saint..." Rouge looks at me in awe.

"That's what hard work and being alone will do for you...I'm going to go find my parents." I see disappointment in his face as I walk off. I'm not ready to deal with him or Sting right now, my wounds in my heart still haven't healed.

Rouge and I were closer than most people thought, he was my partner in crime. I even maybe had feelings for him? But when the person you like hurts you..it's just not good at all. "Aiko Wait.." I hear him call out.

I just keep walking because I know I would do something I'll regret.


I decided to make this an Aiko chapter to get more inside on her and Rouge! And to answer some questions that I have been receiving.

For anyone who is confused (most people are), Aiko is 18, but when your character left for Tenrou she was only 6 turning 7 , then add 7 years she would've been 14. Now this is where people got confused on how she's 18.

Aiko is an Angel Slayer she met an Angel named Jennie at 14, and Jennie's homeland was dying and so were the angels. Angels were always supposed to be hidden. So when Jennie met Aiko she offered Aiko her powers, but there were consequences. Aiko had to give
up 4 years of her life in order to do that because of the Forbidden Angel Rule. For a year Jennie and Aiko trained until Jennie eventually died. Then Aiko joined Sabertooth.

Make sense? Hopefully if your confused you can still ask me questions :) .

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