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Your back hits the hard pavement below as you fight the dragon before you. You were running out of magic and fast, every step you took you felt closer to collapsing on the floor.

"Had enough yet?"

The purple dragon says not giving a care to your well being. You stand yourself up trying to regain balance. "Not...till your back in your .....grave." You say out of breath.

He revs up another attack, you move out the way swiftly out the way avoiding his attack. The  power of the attack was worse than you thought, the ground beneath you shatters and the impact sends you flying.

You scream through the sky, "SOMEONE CATCH ME AHH!" You start to descend down and all you thought was that this was the final moment of your life.

But it doesn't come, your met with a soft yet muscular surface, you open your eyes to see Laxus beneath you. You blush at your position in mist of chaos he still gets your blood pumping. "If you wanted to do something crazy  you could've saved some for later buddy." He raises his eyebrow and smirks. Your cheeks burn even more, you slap his chest and get yourself up.

"How about when the world isn't going to end buddy." You roll your eyes trying to suppress your embarrassment.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Wendy says checking up on you. "Yes I'm okay, just kinda losing magic." You say. "(Y/N)!!" Rocky shouts hugging you close. "Hi bud!" You smile hugging him back.

"Oh look more snacks!

A Jade dragon says startling you, you feel a sniff behind you. "Hey!!" You stare at the dragon with an icy glare.

"Yes she'll do just fine."

"Not so fast she was mine first!"

Your dragon from before lands next to the Jade one. "This is so bad.." you whisper to Laxus.

He holds your hand for comfort. "We gotta save the town..." Laxus starts. "And we're gonna do it together." He looks down at you smiling, you haven't seen that smile in ages.



Aiko's POV

The word wife resonates in my head. "I'm so confused." I say taken a back.

"One year from now I lost someone super important to me...I was consumed by darkness and hatred but you were there to support me see the light rather than the shadow. But it consumed you too once our love was too strong. We married and ruled the world but you were killed before you could see this plan happen." Rouge from the future explains.

Me? Killed? I'm almost afraid to ask who and how. "Rouge please don't do this..." I  start to try and compromise. I don't want to fight him just to make this all stop.

"No matter how beautiful you are Aiko begging isn't going to stop this." He smirks.

"Then tell me this! Who kills me in the future." I get closer to him.

"Your own parents...they thought you were out of control and making bad choices. We fought them but you ended up losing the battle." Rouge drops a bombshell. I gasp walking back from him.

I try not to cry from the shock. "I promise it'll all be over soon..we'll be together again my love." Rouge comes closer and kisses my cheek and leaves a little peck on my lips. A dragon comes and sweeps him up from the ground and he takes to the sky.

"Mom and Dad?" I say to myself.

This is one thing I'll never forget...ever.

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now