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——————You look back at your old house and sigh

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You look back at your old house and sigh.

Aiko was silent and had a frown on her face. Rocky was flying next to her. "See you back here at 5 pm." You say and walk back to where Laxus is healing at.

Aiko walks towards Sabertooth.


You open the door slightly and see that Laxus was sleep. You sit down on the stool near his bed and sigh.

You wanted to say so much to him, this was the man who stole your heart. He was ruthless, had the ego of a whale, and a broken man. But he was yours he will always be yours.

You get up and lean over the bed. You kiss his forehead and then his lips.

You pull the box out of your pocket and put it on the table next to him. "I love you Laxus Dreyar but....I can't marry you not right now..." you wanted to say out loud but you couldn't. "I love you." You say simply.

And walk out the room. You try not to cry, you breathe in and breathe out. "Y/N....you okay?" Rocky flys up near you.

"Yeah...lets go wait for Aiko." You say and walk away and don't look back.


"Oh come on Y/N just admit it you like him!!" Younger Mirajane says pulling your hair. She currently had you in a hold on the ground of the guild. "Come on Y/N don't let her beat you!" Cana says shyly.

"Yeah beat her to a pulp!" Erza yells.

"Your next Red head!" Mira yells at Erza.

"Mira get off I do not like him!!!" You say trying to push her off.

"That's enough!" You hear Laxus interrupt.

Mira and you get off the ground. Laxus takes your hand and leads you out the guild hall. Not too far from it you guys are in a valley.

He uses a wet rag to wipe your face. "Why were you two fighting now?" Laxus asks.

"Don't worry about it...." you look away from him. He chuckles, "Did it have to do with you liking me?" He asks you.

"What?! I don't like you! I mean as a friend but I don't like like you if that's what your implying!" You freak out and try to wiggle away from him.

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now