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"Come on where is everyone?" I run trying to find any form of life. "Is anyone out there?!" I scream out.

"Aiko?" I hear a familiar voice call out to me. I stop in my tracks and look around. I see Rocky with no bow tie and Happy, they were with  Erza and someone new??

"There you are!" Rocky says jumping into my arms. "Hey bud!" I cuddle him. That's when I look up and see Minerva.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" I immediately hold Rocky closer. Erza was holding up a new and improved Minerva. "Stand down Aiko..Minerva has turned a new leaf." Erza says.

"Yeah I'll believe it when I see it." I roll my eyes and stand some distance between them. "You don't have to believe me Aiko...I know I have hurt you in the past and I don't expect you to believe me anytime soon, but I do hope you forgive me." Minerva says weakly. Erza must've done a number on her.

I don't respond and give out a quiet sigh. "Anyways we need to move on." Erza says taking the lead. I follow behind her and let go of Rocky for him to fly.

We have been walking for quiet some time, in pure silence. You could cut the tension with a knife it was so deep. "Wait who's that?" Erza stops walking.

A man with a long pony tail and a book was sitting down on a chair. "Titania and The one and only angel slayer Aiko. Minerva of course...I knew you were weak." The man says.

"Do you know this man Minerva?" Erza asks. "That's Mardgeer, you could call him the leader of this place." She says. "He looks like he means business.." Rocky says going back into my arms, his purple fur was sticking up out of fear. I try and pet him to calm his nerves but he was still a wreck.

"How do you know our names?" I ask him. "It's not like Fairy Tail is well hidden. Everyone knows you all. Your destructive behavior is annoying." The man named Mardgeer winks at me. I shudder in disgust.

"I'm now bored and I think it's time to get rid of you all." He says calmly raising his two fingers. Suddenly were all lifted up in these white magic..no...curse bubbles.

"Look alert everyone!" Erza says trying to keep us all calm. "It's his curse powers be careful!!" Minerva says.

"What the hell do we do?!" I scream trying to transform but all my magic energy was still trying to come back after the fight with the twins.

It got brighter and brighter and I brace myself for pain but it never comes. I'm suddenly in a pair of familiar arms and I hold myself tightly to them. I open my eyes to see Rouge. His hair was in a little ponytail, and he was wearing a purple outfit that showed off his muscles.

Damn...he looked good.

I thought to myself. "How did you?"

"Erza contacted us...even though it was hard to make out the writing." Rouge chuckles. "Poor Yukino.." Frosch says.

"Frosch!" Rocky hugs the pink dressed Frog cat.

"Mhm!" Sting clears his throat, him, Minerva, Erza, and the rest of the exceeds we're staring at me still in Rouge's arms. I tap his chest slightly for him to put me down. He does immediately and we stand awkwardly away from each other.

Honestly, I don't know how I felt about Rouge. I can see he's trying to make things work and try to win me over but with everything that has happened with Sabertooth, I'm just confused.

"We're talking later." I say loud enough for him to hear. He raises his eyebrows at me surprised.

"Me and Minerva are going to go find the counsel member along with the exceeds. Can you three handle him?" Erza asks.

"With ease!" Sting says confidently. 

I wasn't confident at all! I nearly died with mom fighting those twins how the hell am I gonna go up against the leader of Tartaros??!!?

Sting and a Rouge begin their attacks. Mardgeer avoids them with ease. I try to use my bow to attack him without going into angel form. He was just too fast.

"Aiko you gotta transform its gonna be easier for you to catch him!" Rouge yells out to me. "Don't tell me what to do Rouge!" I yell at him.

"I'm just trying to help you out stop being so stubborn woman!" He yells back at me. We were running side by side trying to attack Mardgeer.

"I'm the stubborn one? Says the guy who didn't know what to order on our date and refused to let me pay for my own meal!" I argue back to him.

I'm able to kick Mardgeer slightly but it's not enough. "Aiko I wanted to pay!" He says.

"Oh just leave me alone I never even wanted to go on that date!" I yelled out at him. God he was annoying.

"Then why did you say yes?! Aiko stop denying your feelings for me gosh I'm tired of doing this back and forth with you!" He yells at me. "Fine then don't deal with it!"

"Will you two shut up and focus?!" Sting yells at the both of us. We go silent.

Then suddenly a power blast is sent my way, Rouge pushes me down and hugs my body covering it. He lifts his body slightly and looks into my eyes. I stare at his holding onto the moment. He starts to lean forward and I close my eyes waiting but it never comes. He gets off of me and his body begins to do this weird shaking thing. It happens to Sting as well. It looked like their bodies were glowing.

"Hey!" I try to shake the both of them. "Guys?" I look at them both worried.

What's going on?!


Your POV

Your body felt like absolute hell. It was happening to Gajeel as well. All you could do was hold yourself onto Laxus. He was unconscious but alive.

It was hard to describe this feeling. It felt like your soul was being ripped out or just a simple part of you. You couldn't speak or scream.

As soon as it started it was over. You breath in and out hard. "What was that?" You ask Gajeel who's also recovering from that weird sensation as well.

"I don't know Y/N but it's gone at least." He says carrying Laxus' jacket.

You look down at the box Laxus gave you. It was killing you on what was on the inside.

You open it to reveal the most beautiful yet scariest thing ever. You gasp at the sight of it and nearly scream. Gajeel notices your shocked face and raises his eyebrow. "You okay?" He asks you.

You close the box and give a fake smile. "Never better."

In that box was....

An engagement ring...

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now