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You and Aiko were at a stand still across from the Victor sibling's new form

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You and Aiko were at a stand still across from the Victor sibling's new form. "They're super powerful now.." Aiko looks worried. She snaps her fingers and goes into her Angel Force. "We have no idea how these power ups work Aiko so I want you to follow my lead." You say putting her behind you.

"Follow your lead?!" She says. Before you know it your getting sent across the room from a power blast. "I should've killed you when I had the chance!" A darker Yumi was on top of you. "Too bad you didn't!" You punch her in the face, she doesn't move.

"Well that was anti climatic..." you sigh. She begins to hold you up by your neck. "Am I always saving you?!" Aiko knees her in the face to get her off of you.

"Take care of Nathan Mom and follow my lead!" Aiko does a triple punch combo on Yumi, she begins to get the upper hand.

"Aiko-" You began to say but you suddenly couldn't move. "My My (Y/N) if you and your own daughter can't even get on the same page how are you guys going to defeat us???" Nathan's voice barely above a whisper. His voice was deeper due to the power up.

"What are you doing??" You struggle to move, your breath started to get shorter. Please not now, the same feeling was coming back when you gave birth to Aiko.


"I can't!"

"You can do this!" Daisy was holding your right leg up. You felt like you were pushing for forever. Rocky was cuddling you as best as he could.

"(Y/N) it seems you aren't making as much process.." the doctor says gently.

"GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!" You start to go into panic. What if something was wrong? What if she's never going to come out? What if-

"Hey! Look at me (Y/N)!!" Rocky yells at you. "Rocky-"

"Stop talking and look at me."

You close your mouth and look at him. He puts his furry forehead against yours. "Big breath in...."

You do as he says the extreme pain was still there but, it was starting to help you calm down. "And out." You follow his steps. "Now push." He wraps his little paw onto your finger as you push. You squeeze it hard but not to hard to hurt him as much.

"I can see the head, stop pushing and take a breath." The doctor says.

"Your doing great." Daisy comforts you.

"I wish Laxus was here." You began to cry more. "It's okay (Y/N) what's important now is that we get this baby out!" Rocky comforts you.

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