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An Aiko Chapter!!—————————

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An Aiko Chapter!!

Aiko's POV

My body was still weak but I made it to this cube looking thing in the sky. It had a castle on it, I land as quietly as I can and hide behind a bolder. "Okay Aiko...you got this" I sigh and sneak my way into the castle.

It was dark and very muggy in here. "Jeez they could've at least lit a candle or two in here." I say quietly to myself. I hear foot steps coming, I hide behind a pillar and pt a hand over my mouth.

"I'm just saying brother these effects could be deadly." A sweet yet sadistic voice says. "Why would that matter to us? We only need her to destroy her fairy tail friends and whatever happens after happens." A male voice says.

"Who are they talking about?"

"You think she's found her yet?" The girl voice says. "I'd say she might in a few seconds" the male voice replies.

Suddenly I'm pulled by my hair and thrown into a wall. "Ah!" I yell in pain. I feel another attack coming so I dodge out the way as fast as I can.

"Wow your great with time brother." The girl says giggling. I look up to see who my attacker is.


The yells out and leaps to attack me. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I roll out the way. I don't roll fast enough and she pounces on me. I look up at her, she has sharp teeth and purple eyes, something wasn't right with her. "Get off!" I kick her in the chest and send her flying.

"Well that was a turn of events she really is strong.." the guy says as he watches with the girl. He seems to be taking notes on this.

"Hey! What did you two idiots do to her?!" I start to march up to them but I'm tackled down again. "Mom wake up its me!" She wrestles with my hands as I try to resist.

"Your the idiot definitely, thats not gonna work! She can hear you but she won't listen sadly." The girl says.

My mom gets ahold of both of my hands and puts handcuffs around them, my magic then begins to feel unusable. "What is this?"

"They're handcuffs that block your powers get with the program." The guy gets closer. "(Y/N) put her in my special cell, I'll deal with her later." Mom hoists me up and carries me to a cell where she throws me without a care in the world.
She about to leave but I crawl on my knees and look her in the eyes.

"Mom please! You have to fight this! Fairy tail needs you! I need you, hell even dad needs you! Whatever they did to you gotta try and figh-" she slams the cell door in my face.

"Damn it!" I yell.

"Wow you are definitely more beautiful in person." That familiar male voice says. He opens the cell door and closes it. I back up into the wall getting as far away from him as possible.

"I never introduced myself. I'm Nathan Victor and that other one was my sister Yumi. It's so amazing to finally meet you."

"Go to hell." I say bitterly. "Predictable, yet so gorgeous. Your powers are truly one of a kind." He steps closer and takes out my ponytail, my blonde hair falls over my face and he pushes the hair to the side.

"I've been studying you, watching you. Wondering everything about you." He grabs my face and rubs his thumb on my cheek. He's freaking creepy. "Get your hands off me!"

"There there Aiko." He gazed into my eyes. The sound of the cell door opening interrupts him.

"You better not be trying to kiss her." His sister Yumi rolls her eyes. "No...just getting a better look." He steps away and stands next to his sister.

"What did you do to my mom?"

"Well remember how I was obsessed with you?  We tried to recreate the Angel Slayer magic but with a curse." Nathan begins to explain. He walks around the cell circling me.

"We had to test it on someone and your mother was the perfect fit! We were able to control her and get it to work! But...she hasn't even taken her final form yet and after that well...nothing lasts forever who knows how kind she'll have after the final form." Yumi then says.

"Your planning to kill her?! Let me out of here I'll kill both of you!" I try to get up but fail. I fall hard on my side hitting the side of my face on the ground hard.

"Don't worry Aiko I'm sure it will be quick." Nathan begins to chuckle. It makes me angry, what gives him the right?! I pull my handcuffs apart they break instantly and suddenly I hold both Nathan and Yumi's necks in my hands.

"Wa..it" Yumi tries to speak. "Your going to let her go now!"

"In...y-your drea..ms" Nathan snaps his fingers and I'm sent flying into the wall breaking it.

Mom screeches in my face. I kick her off instantly and put my fist up. The handcuffs are still on me but broken, and they're still restricting my magic.

"If I cant talk you back to consciousness I'm gonna have to fight you back into it."

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