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The faces were gone and all was sunny in the land. You were face to face with the dragon who taught you everything you needed to know about dragon slaying magic.

Aiko  stood right beside you holding Rouge's hand. "Took them long enough," you thought smiling to yourself.  Rocky was back in your arms, he was very glad to see you.

"Thank you for saving her Solaris." You say smiling. "Of course! But I did think it was your dumbass falling." He says bluntly.

Your face falls and your lips make a line. "Your always so tough on me and never showed me any love you know that! And after god knows how long you and the other dragons show up and ur still an asshole." You roll your eyes.

You feel a snout on your side. You turn around and look at Solaris looking at you with loving eyes. "I'm an asshole because that's my personality." He chuckles. You chuckle too and hug his snout tightly.

"I missed you." You say crying slightly.

The dragons explained that they were in us the whole time. In order for us not to turn out like Acnologia they were hidden inside of us and now that they're out they have to leave again. For good...

"What I just met my grandpa and now I have to see him leave?" Aiko drops Rouges hand and walks up to Solaris.

"Theres no other way...we're old...like as hell." Solaris says. It was a sad moment but you couldn't help but start laughing. Solaris was so funny without even trying to be thats just who he was.

"Maybe I can...give you all some more time, it might take a lot of energy but I can do it." Aiko suggests.

You put your hand on her shoulder. She stops talking and looks at you. "Aiko....when it's someone's time to go they must go. It's gonna be hard now but just know they're doing okay." You smile and look up at Solaris.

He gives you a warm smile. You didn't even realize that you were crying but you were. "Dragons are so cool when their not trying to kill us!" Rocky says.

"I bid you farewell my daughter and granddaughter." Solaris began to fly up with the rest of the dragons.

"DONT LEAVE ME!" You hear Wendy cry out. Even though you wanted to cry out as well, you didn't you had to be strong. "Mom are you crying even harder?" Aiko asks.

"No leave me alone!" You wipe your tears. "Goodbye Solaris!" You call out and wave.

And just like that, he was gone.


Laxus was back in the hospital and the thunder legion was feeling better. You and Aiko were currently sitting near the rubble of what the Fairy Tail guild was. Rocky was sleep in your arms.

"I felt like we just rebuilt this place." Aiko says. "Looks like we have to rebuild again." You say sighing.

"That won't be necessary." You hear the master's voice say.

"Gramps." You turn around and look at him. "What do you mean that won't be necessary?" Aiko asks.

"I'm disbanding the guild." Master says with no emotion. "I'm sorry your what?" You stand up and startle Rocky in the process. "It's time for all of you to go on your own ways." He says sighing.

"But master we can't just stop! This is my home!" You stand up and walk towards him.

"I'm doing this to keep you all safe." He holds your hand. More tears fall from your eyes, you thought you were done crying, Nope.

"Wipe your tears child....I have a mission for the both of you." Makarov says.

You and Aiko look at each other.

What was Makarov about to tell you?

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now