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Wow before we get started I'm sorry for being so inactive! I just kinda got no motivation to write for like the past month but I'm back now and school is over so that means more updates!! This chapter might be kind of short!

Wow before we get started I'm sorry for being so inactive! I just kinda got no motivation to write for like the past month but I'm back now and school is over so that means more updates!! This chapter might be kind of short!

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It's been 5 days since your argument with Laxus. You two haven't spoken or seen each other for those past few days, Aiko is the only one who has actually interacted with him.

They've been going on jobs with each and other with the Thunder legion tagging alongside. "Another job today?" You say as Aiko zips past you.

She was dressed in an orange maid like outfit, her hair was in two pig tails and bangs flopping in front of her face. "Its a restaurant job and I'm late! Bye Mom love you!" Aiko doesn't hesitate to leave as fast as she can.

You sigh and get ready for the day, you brew some coffee and set out some food for you and Rocky once he wakes up. It's been like this for the past month Aiko has been distant with mostly you now. In the past 5 days it's been more obvious she's avoiding you.

Rocky flies in lazily to the kitchen. "Aiko is gone again?" He yawns asking the question.

"Yes.....you know what let's go on a job ourselves?" You suggests. "That's fine with me!" Rocky perks up immediately.

In the next few minutes you two are on your way to the guild to go pick up a job. "It's so beautiful out today." You say gathering sun rays to eat.

"Well I'm glad your enjoying it! It's too damn hot out here!" Rocky exclaims while drenched in sweat. "Rocky you've been flying for like 6 minutes." You roll your eyes.

"Well excuse me Miss Sun Dragon slayer!" He huffs looking away from you. "Oh don't be like that this weather is amazing!" You prance and spin around. "Glad your having fun." Rocky comments fanning himself.

You both make it to Fairy Tail with high spirits.  "Morning everyone!" Rocky says the the guild.

"Hey guys what are you two up to?" Max asks. "We're looking for a quick and easy job since it's been a while since we've been." You explain while going up to the Job Board.

"Without Natsu and the gang?" Bisca asks you.

"Yeah Rocky and I haven't done a job together in a while so."

You eventually find a quick little job and you two were off on your way. It was a simple job involving some rodents in the near by forest.

"It's kinda weird Aiko isn't here." Rocky mentions. "Yeah.....I'm sure it's fine..." in reality it wasn't. Ever since you started walking into this forest something felt really off.

"Rocky Wait." You stop walking.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asks.

You suddenly grab him quickly and jump in the air avoiding a sword missing you barely. "What the hell?!" Rocky yelps.

"Show yourself!!" You yell up in the tree branch you landed on. A boot kicks you and Rocky off the branch landing straight on the ground.

A sharp pain enters your thigh making you yell out in pain. "(Y/N) get up!!" You hear Rocky call after you, but all you hear is his voice fading in and out.

"Rocky..." You say groggy and trying to move towards him. The last thing you see are two unfamiliar figures fading to black.

"Sweet Dreams~" one of them coos.

Who are these people?!

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