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"What happened?" Rouge and Sting come to. "You guys are back!" You hug them both.

"Glad we're all happy and back....strange energy is approaching..." Mardgeer says.

Then you felt it. It was magic energy like you never felt before. You look up to the sky and see a black and blue dragon. "Who the hell is that?" I gasp as I look up at the sky.

"Thats Acnologia!" Rouge says.

That's the one that almost killed mom and dad! Then I also noticed some white glowing faces in the distance.

"What are those?" I thought to myself.

"I see your curious little angel about those faces. Once the countdown ends those faces will destroy anything in its path." Mardgeer says.

You don't say anything but your transform.

"Aiko are you crazy you can't take down all of those!" Sting yells at me.

"He's right you cant..." Mardgeer says smirking.

"Aiko stay here you can't do this!" Rouge says. "Who the hell are you to say that I cant! Damn it Rouge! Where are you when I need you?! It seems like you never have my back and when I needed you most you weren't there for me! And right now I need you more than ever because....without your support I can't do this! A bunch of people might die and I believe that you and Sting can take Mardgeer because that's what friends do! And I need your support the most because...I like you! I've always liked you!" I didn't face him or Sting. I didn't even realize tears flowing down my cheeks as I was saying this.

"So please Rouge...believe in me!" I turn to them, I couldn't care less how I looked crying. I always felt like I could show my weaker side to Rouge. That's why I liked him, he made me feel safe, and cared for.

"I believe in you Aiko, I've always have." He grabs my face and put his soft lips onto mine. It didn't matter who was watching I'm finally kissing the man I like....no loved.

The kiss was electric and passionate, all these years of knowing and caring for Rouge could not have prepared me for this. I pull back slowly, blush felt like a wave of warmness on my face.

"That was...." I began to say.

"Something...." he responded also blushing.

"Are you two done?" Sting raises his eyebrow, he totally has been waiting for this moment. I around to see Mardgeer on his throne with the book of END in one hand and the other hand holding up his head. Creepy....

Hero Book 2 (Laxus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now