14 | the gray room

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the gray room.

"FOR THE FINAL challenge, both Mr

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"FOR THE FINAL challenge, both Mr.Scratch and my daughter's knowledge of demonic conjuring will be put to the test," Faustus explains the next day as Selene and Nicholas stand inside two complex conjuring circles, having their own plan. The coven watches them, having no idea what's about to happen. "As we well know, the more complex and exact the sacred geometry used, the more impressive the demon they'll be able to summon and safely contain within the circle's circumference. In your own good time, Nicholas, Selene."

"We're ready, Father Blackwood," Nick informs as they both step out of their circles. He then looks at his girlfriend, sucking in a nervous breath. "You ready to do this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Selene assures, making eye contact with Sabrina, who's sitting in the front row. She nods before Selene and Nick use their powers to connect their circles to create one big one.

"What are you two playing at?" Faustus demands, watching them in confusion. "Sever your circles at once. This is not within the rules of the challenge."

"Conjuring demons to attack me and Sabrina isn't in the rules either," Selene counters, making every witch and warlock in the audience gasp in shock.

"I beg your pardon," Faustus huffs, surprised his daughter would say it with such an accusing tone. "What are you accusing me of?"

"I'm not accusing anyone in particular," Selene corrects him, looking around the room at all of the familiar faces. How could any of them do this to her and Sabrina? "But I know somebody in this room has to be responsible. Demons don't just conjure themselves. So me and Nick are gonna get some answers."

She then joins hands with Nick, and the pair begin chanting the safest and most efficient conjuring spell they know. "Vos evoco, formidabiles reges. Ubi dolores habitant!"

And when they finish it, the demons that came after her and Sabrina appear in the circle—Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Purson.

"These greater demons were sent to kill or harm me and Sabrina Spellman," Selene quips, still holding Nick's hand. "Was it someone in this room?"

But the demons simply laugh at her. "We are not pawns of the filthy little covens of Satan, girl. Neither are we pawns of Satan. We are not commanded. We are kings. And we wish death upon the half-spawn witch and her protector and the chaos they engender! They must be stopped!"

"Stopped from doing what?" Nick asks, looking at Selene in concern. What could her and Sabrina possibly do that's so bad? And how would demons know what they're gonna do in the future? They can't scry, like witches can.

"The half-witch can't ascend!" One of the demons yell as Sabrina jumps out of her seat, moving so that she's standing next to Selene.

"In what way ascend? What are you-"

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