30 | the herald and the protector

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the herald and the protector.

THE NEXT DAY, Selene, Sabrina, Ambrose, Nick, and Quinn are throwing a party at the Spellman's house when Harvey, Roz, and Theo show up, looking as though they'd all seen a ghost

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THE NEXT DAY, Selene, Sabrina, Ambrose, Nick, and Quinn are throwing a party at the Spellman's house when Harvey, Roz, and Theo show up, looking as though they'd all seen a ghost. They'd invited witches, warlocks, and mortals to the party in an attempt to take a first step towards them uniting, but Harvey manages to stop it all before Sabrina can reveal her true motive for hosting the party to the guests.

Selene, Sabrina, Nick, and Quinn follow Harvey, Roz, and Susie to tunnel 13 in Harvey's dads' mines. Once they get there, the group stare at an old mural that looks like it was painted hundreds of years ago, shocked. All of them are silent before Harvey speaks up suspiciously. "Guys, what is this?"

Selene tentatively takes a step closer to the mural, analyzing it. There's a white headed girl in the center of it, and by her side is a red headed girl wielding a flaming sword. Both are standing in front of the gates of Hell, and demons, hellhounds, and mundanes were drawn bowing to Sabrina, and it doesn't take Selene very long to decipher it. She stays quiet as Nick pipes up, narrowing his eyes at Harvey. "It's a prophecy, farmboy."

"What does it mean?" Quinn questions, having an idea but not wanting to to be true. There's no way... she thinks, disbelief written all over her face.

"Sabrina is the Herald of Hell," Selene whispers, slowly processing this. It would explain how both girls had near death experiences with the angels, and managed to survive. "And I'm the protector of the gates of Hell."

The group fall silent as they walk to a diner in town to discuss what they'd just seen. Selene and Sabrina both exchange uneasy glances before Roz speaks up nervously. "Look, we don't know what this thing means, or why it was even down there. So I don't think that we should assume the worst."

"Well, it definitely can't be good," Selene points out, thinking back to the tarot card reading she'd gotten a few weeks ago and how the elderly woman must've foreseen this. "A seer must've predicted this a long time ago. That mosaic looks like it's been down there for hundreds of years, at least."

Theo stares at her, pondering what she'd said in the mines. "Selene, you said Sabrina was the Herald of Hell and you're the protector of the gates of Hell."

"It was just a guess, Theo," Sabrina informs, knowing Selene can't possibly know for sure what it means.

"Though the imagery surrounding them is definitely apocalyptic and infernal in nature," Nick states, frowning as he thinks about the mosaic and how it portrayed his girlfriend. It made her look like a malicious being, which isn't how he sees her.

"Dude, not helping," Harvey remarks, glaring at Nick. It's obvious the pair dislike each other, but Selene can't help but roll her eyes at their bickering. Now isn't the time for you two to hate each other, the redhead thinks, gritting her teeth to keep from snapping at them. "I should go back into the mines and board up tunnel 13, so no one else sees... that."

"Or finds the albino witch that I killed," Theo adds sheepishly as Nick pats Harvey on the shoulder.

"Good plan, Harry."

"Harvey," Sabrina and Selene correct him instinctively, knowing he got it wrong on purpose.

"In the meantime, we'll try to get some real answers," he continues, motioning to himself, Selene, Sabrina, and Quinn.

"I'm actually gonna go," Selene declares, standing up. "I'm gonna try to get some answers by myself."

"I'll come with you-" Nick begins to join her, only for her to put a hand up to stop him.

"No, go with Brina and Quinn," the redhead demands, flashing him a false smile. "I'm gonna go by myself."

With that, she walks out of the diner, and heads to the library of the Academy of Unseen Arts. She goes there looking for one special book, and it doesn't take her long to find it. A book written by one of her ancestors, Reeva Blackwood. Reeva was the best witch of her time, and once resided on the Council. But she died a millennia ago.

When Selene was a child, she had read this book cover to cover, and loved it. There were various stories about the future, some that would come true and some that wouldn't. The future isn't written in stone, but witches with certain abilities can predict the future. Reeva was one of those witches.

But Selene had hated one of the stories in the book when she was young, because it had scared her. It was about two girls that would bring about the Apocalypse. One where human and all supernaturals were enslaved by the hordes of Hell, with the Dark Lord presiding over it all.

She had thought it just was a story, but now she's not so sure. And apparently, Reeva wasn't the only witch that had predicted this, because there was no way Reeva could've made the mosaic in tunnel 13. Reeva has never lived in Greendale, she had spent all of her life in Rome.

But after pouring over the book for hours, she doesn't find anything to figure out how to stop this. So she ponders her grimoire, trying to figure out a way to destroy her family sword. If she doesn't have the flaming sword, the prophecy can't come true. However, she doesn't find a way to do so. There's no way to get rid of a weapon imbued with hellfire.

So she's disappointed when she goes home empty handed. But apparently, Sabrina did, because when she walks into Ambrose's room, she finds Ambrose and Sabrina. He's staring at his cousin in disbelief. "You want to create a double of yourself using a mandrake root to avoid the Apocalypse?"


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