20 | the hunt

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the hunt.

"AFTER THE HUNT, all I can say is, poor Melvin," Agatha laughs the next day as her, Agatha, Dorcas, Prudence, Sabrina, and Selene get ready for the Hunt

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"AFTER THE HUNT, all I can say is, poor Melvin," Agatha laughs the next day as her, Agatha, Dorcas, Prudence, Sabrina, and Selene get ready for the Hunt. Selene is sitting on the bed next to her, draping a green cape across her shoulders. "He doesn't know what's in store for him tonight."

"Can you imagine?" Prudence giggles along with her sister. "A virgin, at his age? You'll be gentle with him, won't you, sister?"

Agatha nods, pulling a red cape across her delicate shoulders. "And afterwards, we'll all share. It's been ages since we've had a virgin."

"I think I'll sit this one out," Selene frowns, not having any interest in being with Melvin in that way. In fact, she doesn't think she'll be with anyone that way tonight. Nick had went out into the woods to kill Amalia earlier, and he called her and said he'd done the deed. He seemed heartbroken.

"You're no fun," Dorcas rolls her eyes at the Blackwood girl. She then smirks at her sister's. "But unfortunately, you're too late. I initiated Melvin the night of the Courting."

"You didn't abstain?" Prudence asks with a giggle.

"Of course not. Did you?"

"A girl doesn't kiss and tell," Prudence counters as Selene gapes.

"Unholy hell," she gasps, noticing how pleased Prudence looks. Prudence and Josie had a fling a couple of years ago, but then they went back to being friends. Josie then fell in love with a mortal, and she's still in love with her. However, the mortal she's in love with broke up with her in an attempt to keep her safe. Josie must've hooked up with Prudence to try to get her mind off of the mortal. Not that Prudence would mind since she's not interested in any type of relationship. "You and Josie totally did the unholy deed. Took long enough."

Prudence swats Selene's arm, wanting her to shut up just in case Josie overhears from across the room. "Hurry, sisters, it's time to assemble outside. A fruitful Hunt to us all."

Selene rises with them, but stops in her tracks once she sees Sabrina sitting on her bed. "You coming?"

"Go ahead," Sabrina insists with a smile. "I'll catch up."

"Kay. Happy hunting, Brina," Selene grins before heading outside. She joins the witches, who stand off to one side. The warlock's, Quinn, and Josie stand on the other side, wearing stuffed wolf heads on their heads. Once everybody arrived, Ambrose starts the introduction.

"Welcome to the final night of the Lupercalia. Hoods hunt wolves, witches hunt warlocks. The outcome of the Hunt shall determine the year ahead. Will it be bountiful or barren? Fruitful or fallow? Tonight, we hunt and are hunted, releasing our blessed magicks into the night. Warlock's, are you ready?"

The warlock's, Josie, and Quinn all howl excitedly before Ambrose blows his horn. As he does so, they take off into the forest. He then turns to the witches. "And witches, are you ready?"

Selene howls with the rest of the girls, and Ambrose blows his horn again, signaling for them to begin. All of the witches take off, but Selene is careful to watch her step so she doesn't trip on anything. Because of this, Ambrose catches up to her easily, smirking as he runs past her. "Catch me if you can!"

She watches as he runs as fast as he can, and she picks up her pace, determined to catch up with him. As she runs, she sees Dorcas jump onto Nicholas. Ambrose also sees this, and shrugs. "He'll catch up."

She nods at him before following him further into the forest, and finally, she catches up to him, grabbing his hand. "Got you."

"Do you now?" He counters before backing her up against a tree. The wood digs into Selene's back, and the girl gasps, sliding her hands up his arms. She smirks before pushing his jacket off, making it fall to the ground.

He cups her face and pulls her into a kiss that grows heated quickly. He runs his hands down her sides, resting them on her hips gently. She nips his lower lip as he clenches the fabric of her clothing tightly. He moves his kisses down her neck before licking back up it, making her gasp once again. She presses her hips against his, digging her fingernails into his shoulders roughly.

However, they break apart when they hear a large creature moving towards them at a ridiculously fast pace. Selene knows who it is immediately, and takes a protective step in front of Ambrose.


"Ambrose, don't move," Selene whispers as queirtely as she can as Amalia runs into the woods towards them. The werewolf stops a few feet in front of them, broken chains around both of her wrists. Selene realizes that Nick must've tried to trap her instead of kill her. She curses under her breathe, wishing he would've just told her the truth as Amalia makes her way towards them.

"Selene, what the hell is that?" Ambrose breathes, his whole body going rigid.

She ignores him, putting her hands in front of herself to show Amalia that she's not a threat. "Look, Amalia, I don't want to hurt you. I know why you love Nick, it's normal. Me and Ambrose, we love him too. We-"

She cuts off as Amalia begins to stroke her red hair with her claw. Selene holds her breath, knowing the werewolf could easily hurt her or Ambrose. Amalia then moves so that her face is a few mere inches from hers, and the witch stares into the werewolf's eyes and only sees her own reflection staring back at her. She knows there's a soul somewhere in there, but she doesn't see it now.

Nick then appears out of the clearing, his eyes widening once he sees his familiar with Selene and Ambrose. He takes a step towards Amalia, putting his hands up to show he doesn't wanna hurt her. "Guys. Amalia. Please, don't hurt them. I love them. Why didn't you stay away? Guys, run."

"We're not gonna leave you with her," Selene shakes her head, feeling tears pool in her emerald eyes. "Just try to talk her down. Don't-"

She cuts off as Nick begins to start a banishment spell. Knowing what he's doing, Amalia jumps on top of him, clawing at him aimlessly. Selene stares at them for a moment while Ambrose yells desperately for her to stop.

Selene silently apologies to Nick before jumping on top of Amalia. The wolf howls, shoving the witch off of her, having no idea that's exactly what Selene wants. She then moves so that she's on top of Selene, now attacking her. Ignoring the pain from the cuts, Selene puts her hand over Amalia's heart. She closes her eyes as she does this, knowing the spell will stop Amalia's heart, but it won't hurt. "A vita ex aliii, is ea po traho, adima disero."

The werewolf then stops, growing paralyzed. Nick and Ambrose watch helplessly as Selene shoves the werewolf off her. Nick sobs quietly as he moves closer to Amalia, knowing the spell Selene used will stop Amalia's blood flow, killing her.

Tears run down the girl's cheeks as Ambrose looks at them in concern. "Are you guys okay?"

Selene nods, hardly feeling the cuts she'd gotten when casting the spell on Amalia. She then turns to Nick. "Why'd you lie about killing her?"

"For a long time, Amalia kept me alive," Nick answers, avoiding making eye contact with either of them. "Treated me like her own cub. My mom does her best, but she's mentally ill. She's never really taken care of me or Josie, it was the other way around. That's why Amalia was like my mother. I couldn't put her down. I chained her up in a cave. And I killed another wolf in her place for its heart. Amalia must've gotten free, though. I don't know how. I failed you both. I was weak."

Selene and Ambrose exchange somber glances, never having seen Nick so vulnerable. "Loving her didn't make you weak. Love makes you strong."


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