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THE NEXT DAY, Selene and Sabrina track down Susie and Roz in the library at Baxter High to ask for their help

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THE NEXT DAY, Selene and Sabrina track down Susie and Roz in the library at Baxter High to ask for their help. Sabrina has been thinking about her mom a lot recently, because she saw her mother when she went to mortal limbo. Apparently, her mother was acting very disoriented, and Sabrina wants to know why. Last night, Sabrina told Selene she wants to do a séance so she can contact her mother. Selene was hesitant at first, but there's no way in hell she's letting Sabrina perform a séance by herself.

They talk to Roz and Susie and see if they want to help with the séance, but both of them think it's too soon to be helping them with any form of witchcraft. Plus Roz's cousins are coming to stay with her for the break, and Susie will be busy playing Jingles the Christmas Elf at Santa's Play Land.

After both girls blow of Selene and Sabrina, Selene goes to head to her next class, but stops in her tracks once she feels goosebumps rise on her skin. She curiously looks around, wondering why it happened, because it's not cold in the library.

And then she looks down on the ground and notices a book laying on the floor, open to a random page. Curiously, the girl picks up the book and realizes it's a copy of the Book of the Dead, the same copy of the book she had stolen from her father to resurrect Tommy. She knows it's not her father's since he would never let anybody borrow it, so she turns it over and sees the initials M.W. carved into the back of the book.

Mrs.Wardwell—Selene realizes the book belongs to one of Sabrina's teachers.

"Selene," she hears Harvey greet from behind her. The redhead mutters a string of curse words before stuffing the book into her bag, making a mental note to return it when she gets a chance. "Can I talk to you?"

"Uh... sure," Selene deadpans, turning around to face her old friend. She's been secretly avoiding him, because she isn't entirely sure what went down between him and Sabrina when he decided he wanted to be with her and she turned him down. Sabrina still loves Harvey, but she's scared he might get hurt or worse if they were to get back together. "Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but Brina wanted to give you some space. So I-"

"I appreciate that, Selene," Harvey insists as Selene shifts uncomfortably, hating how awkward this conversation is. She used to be able to talk to Harvey without a problem, but now it's as though they're strangers. "Really."

"Sabrina hasn't told me much about everything that's going on between you two," Selene admits. "But she told me that every time you look at me and her, all you see is what happened to Tommy. "Is it still happening? When you look at me, do you see me or do you see everything that happened to him."

At this, Harvey pales, and Selene instantly knows that it hasn't gotten much better. He tears his eyes away from her, but it's clear that he's making an effort here. He nods, but almost seems shameful about it. "Um... but it- it's getting better. I think."

"That's understandable," Selene heaves a sigh, glad he didn't lie to her. They stand in silence for a moment before her face lights up and she realizes the Christmas present she had gotten for him is in her bag. She digs the tiny box out of her purse quickly before handing it to Harvey. "I got you a Christmas present. I found it in a little shop in Riverdale, and the first person I thought of was you."

She watches as Harvey unwraps the box to find a cartier watch. Normally, they would cost at least ten grand, but Selene knows a witch who's over a thousand years old. Her name is Penelope, and she collects vintage objects. The watch Selene got from her was a brown watch with a leather strap from the 1920's. Penelope gave Selene a good deal on the watch since she owed Selene a couple favors.

After she got the watch, Selene put a protection spell on it. "As long as you have it on, you'll be protected from anyone or anything that could want to harm you."

Harvey's excited face falls once he realizes what she's talking about. "So, it's magic?"

"Er-not really," Selene shrugs. "It's charmed." But her happy attitude turns into concern once she realizes he he's frowning at the watch. "Are you not okay with that? I can decharm it-"

"No, no, uh," Harvey takes one last look at the watch before smiling. "It's great. Thanks, Selene. Thanks for this. I, uh, I'll see you after break."

"See you then," Selene nods, watching as he turns to go. "Happy Holidays, Harvey."

He smiles back at her before she lets out a breath of relief, leaning against the bookshelf. After a moment, she gets a text from Sabrina.

From Brina
Do u think the Weird sister's would wanna help us with the séance? Also, can u get the book of the dead from your dad?

To Brina
I'm gonna head to the academy 4 my free period.
I'll ask them, and I've already got a book.

She then stuffs her phone in her pocket, and walks to the Academy of Unseen Arts. She's not surprised to find the Weird sisters in the lounge, and once she finds them, she grins merrily. "Bright Solstice, sisters."

"Bright Solstice, Selene," Prudence greets her half-sister. "If you're looking for your boyfriends, Ambrose isn't teaching today and Nicholas left a couple of days ago."

"Actually, I'm here to see you guys," Selene smirks, crossing her arms. "Do you three have any plans tonight?"

"No plans."

"Everybody else is going home to see their families over the holidays," Agatha points out, making Selene feel sad for her, Dorcas, and Agatha. "Why were you asking?"

"Well, me and Brina wanna do a séance tonight," Selene declares, instantly getting their attention. "We figured you guys would wanna help."

"Who are you trying to contact?" Prudence demands skeptically.

"Sabrina wants to talk to her mother," Selene quips. "But you guys can't tell anybody. We don't want the aunties or my father to know about it."

Dorcas then turns to Prudence excitedly. "Oh! Can we, Prudence? I just adore séances."

"And I've been practicing my skills as a spiritualist," Agatha adds, hopeful that Prudence will let them.

"Well, we three know what it's like to not have a mother," Prudence winks at her sister. "So 'tis the season."

"Great," Selene beams at them. "I'll leave my window unlocked. Be there by the witching hour."


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