18 | the courting

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the courting.

"TONIGHT, YOU AND your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting," Ambrose declares with a mischievous grin on his face

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"TONIGHT, YOU AND your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting," Ambrose declares with a mischievous grin on his face. He's obviously excited to get started. Everybody participating are surrounding him, and Selene can't help but notice how nervous Sabrina is. Selene knows that Sabrina likes Quinn, but she can't tell if it's as a friend or more. Sabrina has never show any romantic interest in a girl before, but the only person she's been with is Harvey. And whenever Selene tries to bring up the topic, Sabrina finds a way to change the topic. "What that means is that each couple shall go into the woods and disrobe and anoint themselves and lie under this blessed Lupercalian moon, absorbing the potency of the Goddess Selene Herself. Abstinence is encouraged in anticipation of the powerful release that concludes Lupercalia. However, should couples be moved to unite, well, I'm sure the Dark Lord would not oppose."

He meets Selene's eyes at that moment, and Selene silently thanks the Dark Lord that its night, because people can't see the blush that rises in her cheeks. Prudence then begins to hand each couple a basket of essentials for the night. "The milk and blood are for the purification. The oysters and figs are for fertility and virility. The cherries are for... popping."

She then eyes Sabrina, who blushes herself. Right now, she's the only virgin in the group, and somehow, Prudence knows, and decided to give her a hard time. She finishes handing out the baskets and then Faustus steps up. "A word or two of caution. Each couple must stay together the entire night. And, above all, do not stray from the path. All manner of lust-filled creatures stalk the woods during the Lupercalia. Now, with the Dark Lord's blessing, let the Courting begin."

Ambrose then blows his horn, thus starting the Courting. Selene smirks before she wraps her hand around Nick's, and pulls him towards Ambrose. She then takes Ambrose's hand with her free one and the trio make their way through the woods, away from the other couples.

They find a place under a big oak tree, and place their blanket down. Nick sets the basket down on the ground, all three of them knowing what's gonna happen next.

The air seems to electrify between the trio as they look at each other, the same hunger lingering in each of their eyes. They've done this plenty of times before, but there's something about Lupercalia that makes this experience special.

Nick and Ambrose sit set down on the blanket, silently waiting for Selene. She takes a deep breathe before joining them, excited for her first Lupercalia with them. First, she puts her hand on Nick's cheek, bringing his face towards hers. She's not surprised when he kisses her first, passionately but gently. From the other side of her, Ambrose pushes her hair to the side and begins to kiss her neck, sucking and nipping at her delicate skin. She closes her eyes for a moment, letting herself enjoy the feeling as one of Nick's hands run down her arm and the other roams down the inside of her thigh.

She turns to face Ambrose as Nick's lips move down her jaw to her neck. She makes eye contact with the Spellman boy, realizing that his breathing is fast and his face is flushed. She smiles at Nick before turning to kiss Ambrose. She puts her hands around his neck before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his fully. As they do so, Nick slides off his jacket and shirt. His muscled chest presses into Selene's back as he starts kissing the nape of her neck.

Without breaking contact with Selene, he reaches around her and touches Ambrose, helping him shrug his clothes off. Once Ambrose's clothes are discarded, he helps Selene remove her own. She kisses him on the lips one last time before he leans forward to kiss Nick.

They begin to lose track of time as more clothes come off, their hands explore each other's curves, and they continue to kiss.

"Selene, lay down," Ambrose whispers, barely able to put out a coherent demand. Selene does as told, laying down on the blanket, finding the coolness of the material comforting.

Ambrose slips his hand into her underwear to push them off as Nick begins to trail kisses down her chest and stomach. Ambrose lowers his face between her legs as Nick moves so that he's hovering above Selene, kissing her to make sure she doesn't make too much noise. She gasps against his lips, digging her fingernails into the blanket to keep herself from crying out as Ambrose's tongue works it's magic.

It doesn't take long for the pleasure to overwhelm Selene, and her back arches. She moans louder than she probably should have, but none of them care.

Nick smirks, pecking her one more time on the lips before lowering himself onto his back beside her. "My turn-"

He cuts off as they hear a wolf howl. The trio immediately sit up, pausing in confusion. Ambrose looks at them in concern. "Is that-"

"A wolf?" Nick and Selene breathe, just as confused as he is. Wolves aren't usually this close to town, especially this time of year. It continues to howl before the trio begin to gather their clothes.

"Let's move this indoors," Selene declares, pulling on her clothes as quickly as she can. She runs a shaky hand through her hair just in case they run into somebody else. Nick stuffs the blanket into the basket before the trio hurry out of the woods, rushing to the Spellman's house.

But once they get there, Selene stops in her tracks. Her cousin is standing on the front porch, looking nervous. She smiles gingerly as Selene and the boys walk up the steps.

"Uh, can I speak to my cousin?" Quinn questions with a smile. The boys look at Selene questioningly, and she nods at them. "Alone."

"I'll meet you guys inside," the redhead decides, leaning against the railing of the porch awkwardly. She's been avoiding Quinn, because she's not sure if she can trust her. She seems like she didn't come here with an ulterior motive, but Selene's not sure. "What's up?"

"I wanna to talk to you about Sabrina," Quinn admits, biting her tongue gently. "I wanna know if, you know... she likes girls. I really like her, like a lot. But I don't wanna assume anything, just in case she doesn't wanna be anything more than friends."

Selene blinks at the girl for a few moments, caught off guard by the question. She hadn't expected Quinn to ask about Sabrina. She especially hadn't expected Quinn to be nervous. If there's one thing she's learned about her cousin, it's that she hardly ever gets nervous.

Selene crosses her arms, thinking it over for a moment. "Sabrina has never liked a girl, but she's always been open to new things. So she might just wanna be more than you friend."

"I hope so," Quinn's lips quirk upwards gently. She then takes a deep breathe. "What do you think she would wanna do for V-day?"

"Well, this is her first year celebrating Lupercalia," Selene tells the girl, an idea popping into her head. "But normally, she'd be going to a dance at Baxter High. You should ask her to it."

"I just might do that," Quinn replies before throwing her arms around Selene. The redhead gasps in surprise before melting into the hug. "I've missed you, Lene."

She laughs at her childhood nickname as she pulls away from her cousin. "I've missed you, too."

With that, Quinn leaves, basically skipping from how excited she is to ask Sabrina out. Quinn likes Sabrina a lot, and Selene has never seen her this way about anyone. But then again, she doesn't know her cousin that well. So she decides she wants to get to know her.


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