19 | amalia

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"YOU WANTED TO see me?" Selene raises an eyebrow the next day at Caroline

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"YOU WANTED TO see me?" Selene raises an eyebrow the next day at Caroline. The older witch beams at her as she enters the room, but Selene doesn't even notice. Her eyes are fixed on long case sitting on the table in front of them. "What's that?"

"That's how I'm gonna teach you how to defend yourself," Caroline declares, opening the case to reveal a long sword. It has a black handle, and there are several markings etched into the blade. "This belonged to your grandmother a long time ago, and now it's yours."

"I can defend myself just fine," Selene points out, tilting her head to the side gently. "Why would I need a sword to do that?"

"This isn't just any sword, Selene," Caroline shakes her head, pulling it out of the case carefully. "It's your family sword. Only a Blackwood can use it, and its imbued with dark magic to ensure that."

"In what scenario would I need a sword?" Selene asks, confused as to why she would need it. She doesn't like weapons. They're the things that mundanes use to hunt supernaturals like her.

"What if you came upon a creature that you couldn't use your powers on?"

"That's not gonna happen."

"It could, actually," Caroline corrects her, offering the girl the butt of the sword. Selene gives Caroline an odd look before taking it, and as soon as her hand touches it, the etchings on the blade begin to glow. Selene gasps, an unknown feeling coming across her as she drops it.

"What the hell was that?" The redhead demands as the sword clatters in the hardwood floors.

"That was your body reacting to the sword," Caroline answers as the door behind Selene opens. She turns around, and bites down on her lip once she seems Dorian walk in. "What's he doing here?"

She turns to Caroline, upset she didn't tell her that he was gonna be here. Caroline shrugs, turning to Dorian. "He's the best fighter I know, so he's gonna help me train you."

Selene heaves a sigh, looking between them. "Do you guys really think me learning how to fight without my powers will help me in the long run?"

The pair nod in unison before she purses her lips. She then looks purely at Dorian. "Okay, fine. But no funny business. We can start tomorrow."

She winks at them before she struts out of the room. Dorian smiles, looking at Caroline. "Isn't she stunning?"

"You know I love you, but she's never gonna fall for you, Dorian," Caroline shakes her head at him sadly. "She has two boyfriends. Besides, she's too good for you."

"That's why I like her."

Afterwards, Selene walks to the Spellman's house when a pit begins to form in her stomach. She looks around, and once she's sure that she's fine, she knows Sabrina has to be in trouble. She then checks her watch and realizes that Sabrina is already at the dance with Quinn.

Wicked | Ambrose Spellman and Nicholas Scratch [2]Where stories live. Discover now