04 | yule lads

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yule lads.


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"Yes, love?"

"It's getting kind of cold in here without you," Selene whines, chuckling as Ambrose opens the glass door of the shower. Cold air hits Selene's body as he steps into the shower, closing the door behind him.

He then wraps his arms around her bare waist, raising an eyebrow at her. "Better?"

"Much better," the redhead nods as he buries his head in the crook of her neck, kissing it gently. Selene's breathing hitches, but she makes a point not to make any noises since Zelda is a few rooms over with Leticia, who just fell asleep. Upon thinking of Zelda the girl heaves a sigh. She then turns around and wraps her arms around Ambrose's neck. "Why is Zelda still giving me the cold shoulder? Me and Brina have apologized like a million times."

At this, Ambrose chuckles. "Selene, it's not you, it's Zelda. She was really cold around Sabrina's mother. She never really treated her like family. And then... you know."

"Then they died," Selene breathes, biting her lip nervously. She doesn't want Zelda to stay mad at her, but she doesn't know what to do.

"Auntie Zelda regrets how she treated Diana," Ambrose continues, gently tracing Selene's collar bone with his finger. "She'd never admit it, but that's why she's so protective of Sabrina."

"Sabrina makes it very hard to protect her," Selene remarks, thinking of all the things that Sabrina has talked her into.

"Well, at least you two clean up most of your messes," Ambrose points out before Selene grabs her towel and steps out of the shower. She wraps the towel around her frail body before she pulls her wet hair into a messy bun at the top of her head.

"So, what're you wearing to the Solstice party later?" Selene questions, pulling on a bra and a red sweater. She then pulls on some white jeans, and snaps her fingers, instantly drying her hair.

"I was gonna wear a white shirt with a black tuxedo," Ambrose replies, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel over the lower half of his body. "But we can't leave until I finish deciphering some spells for your father."

Selene rolls her eyes playfully before she turns to face him. "Ugh, fine. I can't wait to introduce you to some of the council members, and one of my dad's friends. Her name's Caroline. She's only been back in town for a few weeks, but she seems really nice."

Ambrose nods before Selene leans forward and pecks him on the lips. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go help Hilda make some holiday cookies, so let me know when we can go."

"Alright," Ambrose nods, watching her go happily. She then walks downstairs and helps Hilda make a batch of holiday cookies. While she's waiting for them to bake, she goes to her room and studies. After a little while, she gets up to refill her glass of orange juice, and when she returns, her papers are scattered all over her room. The girl stares at the mess in disbelief, thinking Zelda might be getting back at her somehow. So she lets out a string of curse words before collecting her papers, putting them back into a neat stack.

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