33 | the mother of demons

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the mother of demons.

"AND WHERE HAVE you been all night?" Zelda demands angrily as Selene, Sabrina, Nick, and Ambrose walk into the kitchen of the Spellman home

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"AND WHERE HAVE you been all night?" Zelda demands angrily as Selene, Sabrina, Nick, and Ambrose walk into the kitchen of the Spellman home. "Do you have any idea what's going on? The trouble we're in?"

"Our situation is worse than yours," Selene cuts the older witch off firmly before motioning for them to listen to what Sabrina has to say.

"Ms.Wardwell and Caroline manipulated me and Selene into fulfilling a prophecy, one that's meant to bring about the end of the world. Because of us, the Dark Lord has assumed His original form and is somewhere in Greendale. And the gates of Hell are going to open, releasing the hordes of Hell."

"Sorry, all this is- This is all happening now?" Hilda deadpans tiredly while Zelda looks like she doesn't believe them.

"Now or very soon," Sabrina nods at her aunt.

"According to the prophecy I found, His plan is to enslave the tribes of human and witch-kind, and to rule over everything with His demon army," Nick explains as his boyfriend adds onto what he said.

"There's more. Sabrina created a mandrake that's absorbed her witch powers."

"All of them?" Hilda's eyes widen in fear, looking at her niece like she's made of glass.

"It gets worse," Selene replies, readying herself for the aunties to complain.


"What's worse than being mortal?"

"Sabrina is supposed to be the Dark Lord's Queen, His wife," Selene quips, planning on doing everything in her power to stop this. "And I'm supposed to protect them and the Gates of Hell. To be their protector."

This seems to catch Zelda's attention, because she scoffs. "Over my dead body."

"You'll stand against the Dark Lord, Auntie?" Ambrose asks, taking his girlfriend's hand gently and giving it a gentle squeeze in an attempt to assure her everything's gonna be okay. Nick also puts a hand around her waist, but their touch isn't helping her right now. She doesn't know if anything will be able to help her and Sabrina. But she knows she's gonna do whatever she can to keep Sabrina from the Dark Lord, just like Zelda.

"To defend Sabrina and Selene? Certainly. Family comes first. And the Dark Lord is not without His aversions."

"Iron spikes."


"Spellmans," Zelda breathes, getting everyone's attention. "If Sabrina and Selene are the Dark Lord's prizes, they are who He will not have. We'll build a protection around the house. Chop-chop. Nicholas, you can put those strapping shoulders of yours to good use and help."

The group then get to work, putting iron spikes in the ground and placing onions around the property. As they're wrapping up, Selene hears Harvey yell her and Sabrina's names. Both girls turn at his voice, and find Harvey, Roz, and Theo climbing out of Harvey's truck.

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