06 | bright solstice

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bright solstice.

AN HOUR LATER, Selene heads to the Solstice party at a hotel in downtown Riverdale called the Pembrooke

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AN HOUR LATER, Selene heads to the Solstice party at a hotel in downtown Riverdale called the Pembrooke. Selene decided to wear a red dress that falls just above her knees and black heels. She also put her red hair into an updo, and finished off the outfit by putting on some red lipstick and a necklace.

When she gets there, her father instantly corners her, throwing his arms around her. "Selene, I'm so glad you made it. I have so many people to introduce you to."

Despite her protests, he leads her over to the bar where four people who look like they're in their forties but are actually well over four hundred years old are gathered. There can only be four members on the council at a time, and you have to be over four hundred years old to even be considered for a seat on the council.

The first woman that Faustus approaches is a girl that Selene has seen in various pictures. She recognizes the woman as Cleo Henson, a witch known for her ability to manipulate people's thoughts and actions. She's also the kindest witch on the council, or at least that's what Selene has heard. Cleo is supposedly very merciful. Selene had also heard that Cleo is very beautiful, and those rumors aren't wrong. The witch has dark hair that falls past her shoulders, and some of the bluest eyes that Selene has ever seen.

When she looks over and realizes that Selene and Faustus are standing there, she rises from her barstool to meet them

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When she looks over and realizes that Selene and Faustus are standing there, she rises from her barstool to meet them.

"Faustus! It's so good to see you," Cleo beams, wrapping her arms around Faustus happily. She then turns to Selene, looking the girl up and down approvingly. She then offers the girl her hand. "I assume you're Selene. I'm Cleo Henson."

"Selene Blackwood," Selene shakes her hand firmly. "I've heard a lot of things about you."

"Mostly good things, I'm hoping," Cleo bites her lip, knowing she had quite a reputation when she was younger. But in the last hundred years, she's tried to fix all of her wrong doings by helping immortals and mortals alike.


Faustus then takes Selene over to an older witch named Freya. She's known for doing whatever it takes to protect the coven. That's why her reputation is that she's ruthless. She's done a lot of things she's not proud of in her six hundred years of life.

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