29 | execution

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"SINCE NO NEW evidence has been produced, Ambrose Spellman will be executed as planned," Cleo declares the next day somberly

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"SINCE NO NEW evidence has been produced, Ambrose Spellman will be executed as planned," Cleo declares the next day somberly. She looks like she'd rather be anywhere but here, doing this. She doesn't wanna do this, because it's not the reason she joined the Council. She joined the Council to help people. She doesn't know how things came to this.

The executioner then brings Ambrose into the room, basically dragging him to the guillotine. Selene watches them, praying to the Dark Lord himself for a miracle. She stands next to Nick, tears in both of their eyes.

Ambrose struggles against the executioner's grasp, but he's stronger and bigger than Ambrose is. He forces Ambrose into the guillotine, ignoring how Ambrose is yelling for him to stop.

"Executioner," Faustus calls upon the masked man. "Carry out the sentence."

Louna and Quinn close their eyes, not able to watch this happen. Cleo, Tristan, and Rafael avert their gaze, wishing they could've found another way to punish Ambrose. However, the sentence for treason is death. But Zelda, Sabrina, Selene, and Nick watch Ambrose with pained expressions on their faces, hoping Hilda's timing won't be off. Faustus, Prudence, and Freya are the ones who seem ready for this, like it's something they've known was coming for a long time now.

The executioner then pulls the rope on the guillotine, and the blade drops. But it never reaches Ambrose's head. Instead, the executioner loses his. Selene lets out a relived sigh as the executioner's head falls to the ground and Ambrose begins to laugh. She makes sure not to glance at Hilda, knowing she did it with one of her voodoo dolls.

The entire coven falls silent as they stare at one another, not knowing what to do. Faustus then looks at one of his Judas Society boys. "You, Marcus, do it!"

Ambrose yells for him to not do it, and Selene is relived to see Marcus hesitate. But then Faustus moves to pull the rope again, and an evil smirk comes across his face as he eyes his daughter. "Why don't you do it, Selene?"

Selene feels Nick's hand wrap around hers as she shakes her head at him. She hears Ambrose pleading with Faustus, knowing she'd never be able to live with herself if he forces her to do this. She feels her mouth go dry as she shakes her head. "No."

"But Selene-"

"Enough!" A raspy voice yells from behind them, a voice Selene recognizes immediately, one that visited her in her dreams not a year ago. The Dark Lord's, but he wouldn't show himself in front of the entire coven. So it's not hard for Selene to realize this is one of Sabrina's miracles. Everybody immediately bows, thinking they're in the presence of the Dark Lord. "Are you so blind to My Will? You, Faustus Blackwood, degrade this coven with your pettiness. By My cloven hoof, Ambrose Spellman is spared. So let it be."

He then disappears into thin air, leaving the entire coven shaken. It's Cleo who speaks up first. "The Dark Lord has made His will clear. Ambrose Spellman is pardoned."

Selene then pushes her way through the crowd, making sure she's the first one to Ambrose. She quickly pulls Ambrose away from the guillotine and gently touches the ropes binding his hands together, muttering a spell that'll untie him. "Fractos."

The ropes untie themselves, and fall to the ground as Nick runs over and wraps his arms around both of them. "We're okay."


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