03 | 2331

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THAT NIGHT, SELENE helps Prudence and Dorcas light the candles as Agatha glances up at Sabrina

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THAT NIGHT, SELENE helps Prudence and Dorcas light the candles as Agatha glances up at Sabrina. "Sabrina, your mother's dress."

"Right," Sabrina stands up and takes her mother's dress off of a hanger carefully. She then sets the dress down on the table in front of the group. Selene finds herself in between Agatha and Sabrina, curious as if this will actually work.

"All right, then," Agatha sighs, deciding to lead the séance. "Hands face down on the table, pinkies touching. Now, focus your energy. Send it into the table. When Diana's spirit is here, she may speak herself or through me or some combination."

Selene does as told, putting both of her hands face down on the cool wood of the table. She gingerly brushes her pinkies against Agatha and Sabrina's before she focused her magic on the table, keen on summoning Diana Spellman's spirit.

"Spirits below and above, spirits in between, caught in the fabric betwixt worlds, we ask that the veil be lifted and that you send forth the spirit of Diana Regina Sawyer-Spellman," Agatha closes her eyes and whispers. "Diana, you're welcome to this house, to this circle."

The room is silent for a moment before Selene speaks up. "Diana, if you're here with us, do something to let us know."

In response, Diana blows out some of the candles. Sabrina and the Weird sister's gasp, but Selene doesn't move an inch, surprised to find that Diana's voice is in her head.

"I'm here."

Her eyes shoot open before she turns to Agatha in bewilderment. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Your mother told me she's here," Selene tells Sabrina, confused as to how Diana is speaking to her instead of Agatha. She should only be inside the head of the witch administering the séance, and that's Agatha, not Selene. But Selene's guessing it has something to do with the banshee blood running through her veins. And she doesn't want to take any chances on it being a trickster spirit, so she decides to ask a personal question. "If you're really Diana Spellman, then... how'd you die?"

She feels Sabrina shift uncomfortably on the floor beside her, because it's a touchy subject for her. She misses her parents more than anything.


Selene feels her heart lift gently at this, and she instantly knows its Sabrina's mother. No other spirit could possibly know that. "She said 2331."

"That doesn't make any sense," Dorcas shakes her head in pure confusion.

But to Sabrina, it does make sense. "My mother and father died in a plane crash. Their flight number was 2331. So, it is you, Mom."

"Yes, it is."

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